according to the requirements,Write a 1500 words essay  Details of task: Students are asked to write a short reflective essay at the conclusion of Module 2. This essay should explore the key concepts

Assignment Brief



BUSI7280 Students


Prof. Michael Hess and Dr. Venus Kanani Moghadam

Reflective Essay 2

Length: 1,500 words

Submission: via Turnitin on the Wattle link

Grade vale: 20% of total

Details of task: Students are asked to write a short reflective essay at the conclusion of Module 2. This essay should explore the key concepts covered in week 7-12 of the course and should consider the skills you have developed throughout the module that are relevant to managing in a global context.

It is anticipated that the weekly learning insights completed for these weeks will provide useful material for this essay. However, as this is a take home rather than in-class assignment it is expected that you will make use of evidence available in the literature to support your discussions. Students should reflect on the skills, resources, capabilities, thinking and learning styles and consider how they will prepare themselves for working in a management role, and potentially in a global context.

This assignment should be a summary and analysis of your learning from the module and from the assignment, and your plan about how you will develop your personal competencies and capabilities.

Purpose of the task: The Reflective Essay gives students an opportunity to take stock of what they have learned from the module, in particular, to understand their own strengths and weaknesses. It helps students to focus on their own understanding and the skills required for the role of international manager.

Learning outcomes - this assignment addresses the following course learning outcomes:

  • LO1. Distinguish between the concepts and skills needed for international and local management.

  • LO2. Establish the roles and functions of management within organisations.

  • LO3. Recognize the challenges of the globalization dynamic and how it impacts on the task of management

  • LO6. Reflect on the emerging evidence about changing nature of management in an international context.

Essay Content

Your essay must cover the following areas:

  1. Summary and explanation of the key concepts in Module 2 – use of evidence and authority to support understanding of the role of management in an international context.

  2. Self- Awareness – understanding of the capabilities required of an international manager and gaps between thee and your own capacities.

  3. Reflection on and explanation of factors changing the nature of global business and how these impact on the role and skills of the international manager.

Marking Criteria

The following criteria will be used to assess your essay:

Summary and explanation of the key concepts in Module 2

Evidence and authority to support understanding of the role of management in an international context.

Self- Awareness – understanding of the capabilities required of an international manager and gaps between thee and your own capacities.

Reflection on and explanation of factors changing the nature of global business and how these impact on the role and skills of the international manager.

The following interpretation of final grades for this assignment is based on ANU grading policy:


Mark (%)




Work of exceptional quality, as demonstrated in the attainment of learning outcomes at or above the relevant qualification level


Work of superior quality, as demonstrated in the attainment of learning outcomes at or above the relevant qualification level


Work of good quality, as demonstrated in the attainment of learning outcomes at or above the relevant qualification level


Work of satisfactory quality, as demonstrated in the attainment of learning outcomes at or above the relevant qualification level




Work in which the attainment of learning outcomes at or above the relevant qualification level has not been demonstrated

Academic Integrity

ALL BUSI7280 STUDENTS ARE EXPECTED TO ACT WITH ACADEMIC INTEGRITY. If you do not understand what this means please see ANU Academic Standards and Quality Office webpage:

We do conduct systematic checks for commonality between submitted assignments, assignments from past years and other courses, and of course, the internet. Please see additional information in the marking criteria table above.

Special Considerations

Written permissions for late submissions and extensions should be made by completing and submitting an application for special consideration:

It is important that an application for special consideration is accompanied by evidence. For most applications, that will be medical evidence as specified in the form. In other cases, it may take the form of evidence of registration with the ANU Disability Services Centre, or a letter from the ANU Counselling Centre.

In considering an application for special consideration we will give great weight to the amount of work that has been completed. If the report is 90% complete and the student was not able to finish it because of a few days of illness leading up to the due date, we will be generous. On the other hand, if it’s 10% complete, we are not likely to approve the application.

Computer Failures

Common sense should prevail here. In general, we would not be sympathetic to applications for special consideration made on the basis of theft, loss, damage to or failure of computer equipment. A basic responsibility for students and, indeed, business professionals and consultants, is to set up and maintain a rigorous, failure-proof backup system.

Excessive Workload

Applications for special consideration submitted around the due date based on workload in the week or two leading up to the due date, that is, applications based on having several assignments due in the same week, are not likely to be approved. In the great majority of cases, such situations can be dealt with by good planning and early commencement of assignments. Most students cope with these situations without requesting special consideration or extensions.

Use of Assignments for Teaching and Research

We would like to have the option of using some of the assignments submitted for this course for other purposes in the future. Of course, any identifying information would be removed. The kinds of purposes are:

  • Providing examples to students in subsequent versions of the course;

  • Providing examples when teaching about writing and grading of assignments; Calibration of grading standards: having several lecturers or tutors mark assignments, then compare the marks and discuss; and, possibly;

  • Research into educational practice.

If you do not wish for us to use your de-identified report for any of these purposes please know by email or by making a note to that effect on the first page of the assignment.