This is a first-year student's Sociology essay.  My topic is about gender and bullying (included cyberbullying, no specific thesis) Hope most of references should be peer-reviewed.  11pt, 1.5 spacing,

Grading Rubric for Tutorial Assignment Two Due via CourseSpaces by 5pm on Wednesday , March 21 st

A ssignment Two must be no fewer than 6 pages and no more than 8 typed pages (not including title page or references cited ) , 1.5 spac ing , 2.54 cm margins, and 11 - point font with references that comply with the style as defined by the handout “ ASA Style Guide ” supplied via CourseSpaces . T his assignment continues from the first and attempts to answer the research question you posed earlier. This assignment requires you to investigate a social event or phenomena, using the sociological imagination and the concepts you have learned in class .

Your assignment must be presented using the following bolded headings:

Introduction – sets the stage for your paper and captures your reader’s interest ( 2 - 3 paragraphs )

Introduce your social issue and explain why it is important to sociology .

Introduce your issue and e xplain /justify why it is important to sociology

Refer to/discuss relevant textbook material to support that your topic/issue is sociological

Conclude this section by re stating your research question.

Grading Considerations:

Th e student chose a sociologically relevant issue and supported it.

Up to 10 marks

Dominant Themes – introduces the reader to the key themes or patterns discovered in your analysis of the phenomenon or event , 3 - 5 pages ).

Your summary and analysis will highlight 2 - 4 themes you identified while examining your chosen topic. If you had chosen an examination of homelessness, you might identify patterns relating to gender, age, race, or the presence of mental illness or a crimin al record. In this section, you are encouraged to discuss those themes, how they emerged, and what first drew your attention to them. In order to bolster your assertions here, you may wish to draw upon some academic research in the form of articles or book s on the subject.

Grading Considerations:

The student was able to identify patterns or themes of a sociological nature .

The student used transitions in their writing .

The student offered a detailed account of the reasons for the patterns or themes that they uncovered; why were these themes present? What might account for them?

The in - text citations and the references cited list was complete and accurate.

Up to 30 marks

Discussion and Conclusion – clearly state s how your examination of the phenomenon or event allowed you to answer your research question, or, why it did not (which is completely fine) ( 1 - 3 paragraphs )

In this section you should discuss what limitations there were in the your research as well as what further research could be done in the area.

Up to 10 marks

TA Scoring Considerations

Did the student have a complete Title P age ?

Included an appropriate title ( i.e., not simply your issue or research question) ?

Listed their name and student number, date, tutorial section AND your name?

Included the following statement on the title page?

“I wrote this paper myself, specifically for this course, this semester. I also understand what plagiarism is and how serious it is. I have properly and completely referenced all sources that I referred to when completing this assignment”.

The paper was edited for spelling and grammar?

The paper included the headings as indicated above?

The student offered an insightful and well - organized presentation of a sociologically interesting topic/issue

Up to 10 marks