Your assignment is to read through Chapter 5 - Python Functions and Modularity (included in this week's Canvas module) and then complete one of two exercises at the end of the Chapter -- either  Exerc

An Introduction to
Computer Science

with Java, Python and C++
Community College of Philadelphia edition

Copyright 2017 by C.W. Herbert, all rights reserved.
Last edited October 8, 28, 2019 by C. W. Herbert

This document is a draft of a chapter from An Introduction to Computer Science with Java, Python and C++, written by Charles Herbert. It is available free of charge for students in Computer Science courses at Community College of Philadelphia during the Fall 2019 semester. It may not be reproduced or distributed for any other purposes without proper prior permission.

Please report any typos, other errors, or suggestions for improving the text to [email protected]

Chapter 5 – Python Functions and Modular Programming


Lesson 5.1User Created Functions in Python 2

Python Function Parameters 2

Value returning functions 4

Example – Methods and Parameter Passing 7


Lesson 5.2Top-Down Design and Modular Development 13

Chapter Exercises 16

  1. User Created Functions in Python

So far we have only created software with one continuous Python script. We have used functions from other python modules, such as the square root method from the math class math.sqrt(n). Now we will begin to create our own functions of our own.

A Python function is a block of code that can be used to perform a specific task within a larger computer program. It can be called as needed from other Python software. Most programming languages have similar features, such as methods in Java or subroutines in system software.

The code for user-defined functions in Python is contained in a function definition. A Python function definition is a software unit with a header and a block of Python statements. The header starts with the keyword def followed by the name of the function, then a set parenthesis with any parameters for the function. A colon is used after the parentheses to indicate a block of code follows, just as with the if and while statements. The block of code to be included within the function is indented.

Here is an example of a Python function:


# first demonstration of the use of a function for CSCI 111

# last edited 10/08/2o19 by C. Herbert


def myFunction():

print ( "This line being printed by the function MyFunction.\n")

# end myFunction()

### main program ###

function used by the main part of the script




# end main program

Functions can used for code that will be repeated within a program, or for modular development, in which long programs are broken into parts and the parts are developed independently. The parts can be developed as Python functions, then integrated to work together by being called from other software.

Python Function Parameters

Data can be passed to a Python function as a parameter of the function. Function parameters are variables listed in parentheses following the name of the function in the function definition. Actual parameters are corresponding values included in parentheses when the function is called. The values are used to initialize the variables.

Here is an example of a Python function with a single parameter:


formal parameter
used as a local variable

# demonstrating the use of a function parameter

# last edited 10/08/2o19 by C. Herbert

def printMessage(msg):

print ( "The msessage is:", msg, "\n")

# end printMessage()

actual parameter

# main program ###


printMessage("Hello, world!")


# end main program

The value of the actual parameter, the string "Hello, world!", is passed to the formal parameter, msg, which is used as a local variable within the function. Here is the output from the program:

Your assignment is to read through Chapter 5 - Python Functions and Modularity (included in this week's Canvas module) and then complete one of two exercises at the end of the Chapter -- either  Exerc 1

Value returning functions

A Python function can return a value using the return statement, followed by the value to be returned or a variable whose value is to be returned. The call to the function should be used in the main program where the returned value is to be used.

The returned value can be used in a Python function just as any other value can be used – in a print statement, an assignment statement, etc. A value retuning function must be called from a place where the returned value can be used. It cannot be called by itself on a single line, as a function that does not return a value can be.

The next page is an example of a payroll program with a method to calculate overtime:


# sample payroll program with an overtime function returning a value

# last edited 10/08/2019 by C. Herbert


# The overtime function calculates the total overtime pay following the time

# and a half for overtime rule. The result is to be added to the regular pay

# for 40 hours.

# function parameters:

# float hours -- hours worked this week – usually close to 40.0

# float rate -- employee's pay rate a decimal values usually less than 100

# The function returns the total overtime pay for hours above 40.

def getOverTime(hours, rate):

overtimeHours = 0,0 # hours worked beyond 40

overtimePay = 0.0 # pay for overtime hours

# calculate overtime hours and pay

overtimeHours = hours - 40.0

overtimePay = overtimeHours *rate * 1.5

This function returns the value
of the variable

return overtimePay

# end overtime ()


# main program

# get the hours and rate form the user a floating point values

hours = float( input("enter the number of hours worked: ") )

rate = float( input("enter the hourly pay rate: ") )


# calculate pay with overtime if there is any -- if hours > 40

# else calculate regular pay

call to the overtime function in an assignment statement. The returned value will be used here.

if (hours > 40.0):

regular = 40.0 * rate

overtime = getOverTime(hours, rate)


regular = hours * rate

overtime = 0.0;

# print results

print("hours: ", hours,)

print("rate: ", rate)


print("regular pay: ", regular)

print("overtime pay: ", overtime)

Example – Methods and Parameter Passing

In this example we will develop a modular solution for a problem similar to a previous assignment.

We wish to input the x and y coordinates for two points in the Cartesian plane, and find the distance between the two points, then print a report with the the distance between the two points and the quadrant that each point is in.

The distance between two points whose coordinates are (x1,y1) and (x2, y2) is where Δx is the difference between the two x coordinates (x1- x2)and Δy is the difference between the y coordinates (y1- y2). The hypotenuse function can be used here. It will give us the square root of the sum of two numbers squared, so hyp(,) will give us the distance between the two points.

The example on the right shows us that the quadrants of a Cartesian plane are numbered I through IV, with the following properties:

  • If both x and y are non-negative,
    the point is in Quadrant I.

  • If x is negative and y is non-negative,
    the point is in Quadrant II

  • If x and y are both negative,
    the point is in Quadrant III.

  • If x is non-negative and y is negative,
    the point is in Quadrant IV.

two points in a Cartesian plane

Once we understand the specifications, we can make an outline of what our software should do:

1. get the coordinates of two points: (x1, y1) and (x2, y2)

2. calculate the distance between the two points:

  • deltaX =x1-x2; deltaY = y1-y2;

  • dist = math.hypot(deltaX, deltaY);

3. determine which quadrant (x1, y1) is in:

  • If (x >=0) && y>=0)  Quadrant I

  • If (x <0) && y>=0)  Quadrant II

  • If (x <0) && y<0)  Quadrant III

  • If (x >=0) && y<0)  Quadrant IV

4. determine which quadrant (x2, y2) is in:

  • If (x >=0) && y>=0)  Quadrant I

  • If (x <0) && y>=0)  Quadrant II

  • If (x <0) && y<0)  Quadrant III

  • If (x >=0) && y<0)  Quadrant IV

5. print results

We can create two Python functions to use as part of the solution to this problem:

  • One function will accept the x and y coordinates of two points as parameters and then calculate and return the distance between the two points. This is part 2 in our outline above.

  • Another function can accept the x and y points for one point and return a string reporting stating the quadrant that the point is in. This function can be used for parts 3 and 4 in our outline above. This is a good example of reusable code – a function that can be used twice, but each time with different values.

Part 1 of our outline might seem like a good place for a method – we get four numbers from the user, each in the same manner. However, remember that methods can only return one value, so we really don’t gain much by making this a separate method. It is a judgment call and a matter of programming style – it could be done with four calls to one method, but in this case we will use four input statements in the main method.

Here in the design of our software, with descriptions of the functions:

define a function -- findDistance(x1, y1, x2 y2):

  • Calculate deltaX -- x1-x2

  • Calculate deltaY -- y1-y2

  • Calculate distance using the hypotenuse function math.hypot(deltaX, deltaY)

  • return distance

define a function -- findQuadrant(x, y)

  • if (x >=0) && (Y>=0) quad = “quaduadrant I”

  • else if if (x <0) && (Y>=0) quad =“quaduadrant II”

  • else if (x <0) && (Y<0) quad =“quaduadrant III”

  • else (x >=0) && (Y<0) quad =“quaduadrant IV”

  • return quad

The main program

  • Get four input values – x1, y1, x2, y2

  • Call the function to calculate distance -- distance = findDistance(x1, y1, x2, y2)

  • Call method to determine quadrant of point 1 -- quadPt1 = findQuadrant(x1, y1)

  • Call method to determine quadrant of point 2 -- quadPt1 = findQuadrant(x1, y1)

  • Print the results

The next step is to copy our outline into a Python program and start to turn it into a program. Don't forget the identifying comments at the top of the file. You can copy and paste these from an older program, then edit them. The python file with the comments is shown on the next page.


# a sample program to calculate the the distance between two points

# and which quadrant each point is in

# last edited Oct 8, 2019 by C. Herbert

# define a function to find the distance between two points
# -- findDistance(x1, y1, x2 y2):

# calculate deltaX -- x1-x2

# Calculate deltaY -- y1-y2

# Calculate the distance between the two points using math.hypot()

#return distance

# end function

# define a function to determine which quadrant a point s in -- findQuadrant(x, y)

# if (x >=0) && (Y>=0) quad = “quaduadrant I”

# else if if (x <0) && (Y>=0) quad =“quaduadrant II”

# else if (x <0) && (Y<0) quad =“quaduadrant III”

# else (x >=0) && (Y<0) quad =“quaduadrant IV”

# return quad

# end function

# the main program

# Get four input values – x1, y1, x2, y2

# call the function to calculate distance

# call method to determine quadrant of point 1

# call method to determine quadrant of point 2

# Print the results

# end main

The last step in creating the program is to create the instructions in the program to do what the comments tell us the program needs to do, then test and debug the program. In some cases, such as the if…else structure, parts of the comment can be changed directly into Python code.

Here is the resulting program:


# a sample program to calculate the the distance between two points

# and which quadrant each point is in

# last edited Oct 8, 2019 by C. Herbert

import math


# function to find the distance between two points

def findDistance(x1, y1, x2, y2):

# calculate deltaX and deltY

deltaX = x1-x2

deltaY = y1-y2

# Calculate the distance between the two points

distance = math.hypot(deltaX, deltaY)

return distance

# end findDistance()

(continued on next page)

( – continued from last page)


# function to determine which quadrant a point s in -

def findQuadrant(x, y):

if ( (x >=0) and (y>=0) ):

quad = "quadrant I"

elif ( (x <0) and (y>=0) ):

quad ="quadrant II"

elif ( (x <0) and (y<0) ):

quad ="quadrant III"


quad ="quadrant IV"

return quad

# end findDistance()


# the main program

# Get four input values – x1, y1, x2, y2

x1 = int ( input("Enter the X-coordinate of point 1: ") )

y1 = int ( input("Enter the Y-coordinate of point 1: ") )

x2 = int ( input("Enter the X-coordinate of point 2: ") )

y2 = int ( input("Enter the Y-coordinate of point 1: ") )

# call the function to calculate distance

dist = findDistance(x1, y1, x2, y2)

# call functions to determine quadrant of points 1 and 2

quadPt1 = findQuadrant(x1, y1)

quadPt2 = findQuadrant(x2, y2)

# Print the results


print("the two points are:")

print("\t(" , x1, "," ,y1, ")" )

print("\t(" , x2, "," ,y2, ")" )


print("The distance between the points is:" , dist)


print("The first point is in" , quadPt1)

print("The second point is in" , quadPt2)

# end main

The files Two Points Outline.txt, and are included with the files for the Chapter.

a copy of a sample run of the finished program is included on the next page.

Here is sample output from the program:

Your assignment is to read through Chapter 5 - Python Functions and Modularity (included in this week's Canvas module) and then complete one of two exercises at the end of the Chapter -- either  Exerc 2
  1. Top-Down Design and Modular Development

Your assignment is to read through Chapter 5 - Python Functions and Modularity (included in this week's Canvas module) and then complete one of two exercises at the end of the Chapter -- either  Exerc 3

It’s hard to solve big problems.

It’s easier to solve small problems than it is to solve big ones.

Computer programmers use a divide and conquer approach to problem solving:

  • a problem is broken into parts

  • those parts are solved individually

  • the smaller solutions are assembled into a big solution

This process is a combination of techniques known as top-down design and modular development.

Top-down design is the process of designing a solution to a problem by systematically breaking a problem into smaller, more manageable parts.

First, start with a clear statement of the problem or concept – a single big idea. Next, break it down into several parts. If any of those parts can be further broken down, then the process continues until you have a collection of parts that each do one thing.

The final design might look something like this organizational chart, showing the overall structure of separate units that form a single complex entity.

Your assignment is to read through Chapter 5 - Python Functions and Modularity (included in this week's Canvas module) and then complete one of two exercises at the end of the Chapter -- either  Exerc 4

Figure 9 – an organizational chart showing units that form a single complex entity

An organizational chart is like an upside down tree, with nodes representing each process. The leaf nodes are those at the end of each branch of the tree. The leaf nodes represent modules that need to be developed and then recombined to create the overall solution to the original problem.

Your assignment is to read through Chapter 5 - Python Functions and Modularity (included in this week's Canvas module) and then complete one of two exercises at the end of the Chapter -- either  Exerc 5

Figure 10 the leaf nodes of an organizational chart

Top-down design leads to modular development.Modular development is the process of developing software modules individually, then combining the modules to form a solution to an overall problem.

Modular development facilitates production of computer software because it:

… makes a large project more manageable.
Smaller and less complex tasks are easier to understand than larger ones and are less demanding of resources.

… is faster for large projects.
Different people can work on different modules, and then put their work together. This means that different modules can be developed at the same time, which speeds up the overall project.

… leads to a higher quality product.
Programmers with knowledge and skills in a specific area, such as graphics, accounting, or data communications, can be assigned to the parts of the project that require those skills.

…makes it easier to find and correct errors.
Often, the hardest part of correcting an error in computer software is finding out exactly what is causing the error. Modular development makes it easier to isolate the part of the software that is causing trouble.

… increases the reusability of solutions.
Solutions to smaller problems are more likely to be useful elsewhere than solutions to bigger problems. They are more likely to be reusable code. Reusable code is code that can be written once, then called upon again in similar situations. It makes programming easier because you only need to develop the solution to a problem once; then you can call up that code whenever you need it. Modules developed as part of one project, can be reused later as parts of other projects, modified if necessary to fit new situations. Over time, libraries of software modules for different tasks can be created. Libraries of objects can be created using object-oriented programming languages.

Most computer systems are filled with layers of short programming modules that are constantly reused in different situations. Our challenge as programmers is to decide what the modules should be. Each module should carry out one clearly defined process. It should be easy to understand what the module does. Each module should form a single complete process that makes sense all by itself.

Top-down development is used to figure out what the modules are needed in a software development project and how they should be organized. Modular development involves building those modules as separate methods, then combining them to form a complete software solution for the project.

Chapter Exercises
  1. Multiplication Table

A set of nested for loops can be used to print a multiplication table using formatted print statements.



























































Write a program to print such a multiplication table, using a function to print each row, which is invoked from the function that prints the overall multiplication table.

  1. Celsius to Fahrenheit Table

Write a program to print a Celsius to Fahrenheit conversion table that invokes a function to calculate Fahrenheit temperature using formula is F = ( C) + 32.0. The main program should have a loop to print the table, calling the conversion function from within the loop.

The table should include integer Celsius degrees from 0 to 40. You program does not need to use integers, but the table should display the Celsius temperature, then the Fahrenheit accurate to one-tenth of a degree. The first few entries from the table are shown below:







  1. We wish to write a modular program that can be used to calculate monthly payments on a car loan. The formula is: payment =

The program will be use two functions – the main program, a monthly payment function, and an output function.

The main program should:

  1. ask the user for
    - the loan amount
    - the annual interest rate ( as a decimal, 7.5% is 0.075 )
    - the number of months

  2. call a function to calculate and return the monthly payment
    (Note: The formula uses monthly rate. Annual rate is input. monthly rate = annual rate/12)

  3. call a function to print a loan statement showing the amount borrowed, the annual interest rate, the number of months, and the monthly payment

  1. International Gymnastics Scoring

We wish to write a program to quickly calculate gymnastics scores for an international competition. Six judges are judging the competition, numbered 1 through 6 for anonymity. The program should have a loop that:

  1. calls a function asking for the score from a single judge. The function should print the judge number and score for that judge and return the judge's score

  2. adds the returned score to a total score.

After the loop is done, your program should call a function that calculates and displays the average score.

Scores are in the range 0 to 10 with one decimal place, such as 8.5. Don't forget to initialize the total score to zero before the loop begins.

Here is a sample of the output:

Score for Judge 1: 8.5

Score for Judge 2: 8.7

Score for Judge 3: 8.4

Score for Judge 4: 9.1

Score for Judge 5: 8.9

Score for Judge 6: 9.0

The average score is: 8.77

  1. Test for Divisibility

If the remainder from dividing A by B is zero, then A is a multiple of B ( A is evenly divisible by B ).
For example, the remainder from dividing 6, 9, or 12 by 3 is 0, which means 6, 9, and 12 are all multiples of 3.

Create a function to see if one number is a multiple of another.

Write a program with a loop to print the numbers from 1 to 25, and within the loop, invoke the function three times to see if the number is a multiple of 2, if the number is a multiple of 3, and if the number is a multiple of 5. You should have one multiple function with two inputs – the number being tested and the number we are dividing by. The function should print a message if the number is a multiple of the value which it is testing.

Here is a sample of part of the output:


2 multiple of 2

3 multiple of 3

4 multiple of 2

5 multiple of 5

6 multiple of 2 multiple of 3


8 multiple of 2

9 multiple of 3

10 multiple of 2 multiple of 5

  1. Estimate of a Definite Integral

Write the program to estimate a definite integral with rectangles, with a loop that calls a function to calculate the height and area of each rectangle.

A loop in a computer program can be used to approximate the value of a definite integral. We can break the integral into rectangles, find the area of each rectangle then add the areas together to get the total area, as shown in the accompanying diagram. In practice, we could make the width small enough to achieved the desired accuracy in estimating the area under the curve.

As the width of the rectangles gets progressively smaller, their total area gets closer to the total area under the curve. This is an old function that predates Calculus. Both Leibnitz and Newton used this function, eventually developing calculus from the concept of infinitesimals, which, in the case of our rectangles, would amount to asking, what would the total area be if the number of rectangles approaches infinity and the width approaches zero?

This was tedious by hand, but we now have computers. We can set the width of the rectangle. The height of the rectangle is the y value at point x. So for example, if we need to solve:

The starting point is -3, the ending point is +3, and the height of the rectangle at each value of x in between the two is ; Y at each x is the is the height of the rectangle at that x. We can use a width of 0.001, and write a loop like this:

width = .1

x = -3.0

while (x <= +3 ) # x is -3.00, then -2.9, then -2.8, etc.

y = // the height is the y value at each x

area = y * width // the width is the increment, in this case 0.1

totalArea = totalArea + area

x += width

# end whuile()

In this version of the program, the statements in the box above should be in a separate function, invoked from within the loop. When the loop is finished, totalArea is the total area of the rectangles, which is an approximation of the area under the curve.

  1. Supermarket Checkout

Design a program for a terminal in a checkout line at a supermarket. What are the tasks that are included as part of checking out at a register? We must consider things like the cost of each item, weighing produce and looking up produce codes, the total cost of the order, bonus card discounts, and sales tax on taxable items only. You do not need to write the program, but you should design the functions using top down development and modular design. Submit a description of the functions needed for the program, a brief description of what each function does, and a description of how the functions are related to one another in terms of parameter passing and return types.

  1. We wish to write a program to draw the scene below. We can create functions to draw primitive shapes, as follows:

circle() takes x and y coordinates of center point, the radius, and the color

triangle() takes x and y coordinates of each of three endpoints and the color

rectangle() takes x and y coordinates of each of four corner points and the color

Create a modular design for software to draw the scene using the functions above. The software should be layered. For example, a house() function should use the primitive graphics functions to draw the house.

Your assignment is to read through Chapter 5 - Python Functions and Modularity (included in this week's Canvas module) and then complete one of two exercises at the end of the Chapter -- either  Exerc 6

Your design document should list and briefly describe each function, including and what it does, parameters, and any functions the function calls. Your design should include the main program.