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ACC2250 Accounting practice set assignment instructionsThe Instructions” Part 1: Complete the practice set assignment at Xero Overview

This part of the assignment is completed using the cloud-base accounting software, Xero. Access to Xero is via the invite email that you will receive in your ECU email account. Only assignments completed in Xero Learn will be accepted for assessment purposes. Do not complete the assignment using direct access to Xero.

Your email from Xero Learn will be sent out at the start of Week 8 of semester.

Refer to the separate document, Introduction to Accounting with Xero for the specific details of the setup and first months accounting transactions that you need to process. You will find this document in the assessment area of Blackboard.

Our access to Xero is limited so you should start on the activity as soon as possible. You must complete this activity and make the necessary submissions by 23:59 on Sunday October 13, 2019.


Once you have completed the accounting requirements in Xero you are required to export to PDF the following reports from Xero and submit them for review and marking via the specific Assignment Manger link in the Assessment area of Blackboard. Email or hard-copy submissions cannot be accepted.

The deadline for submission of your reports is 23:59 on Sunday October 13, 2019. Late submissions will be accepted within the University rules, but late submission penalties will be applied unless prior exemption has been granted.

The required reports to be submitted in PDF format are:

  1. Balance Sheet – July 20XX – No comparison

  2. Cash Summary – July 20XX – 1 Month – No comparison

  3. Profit and Loss – July 20XX – 1 Month – No comparison -No Budget – No YTD

  4. Bank Reconciliation Summary as at July 31, 20XX

  5. General Ledger Summary – July 1 20XX to July 31 20XX – Sort by Account Name – Leave Cash Basis and Show YTD unticked

  6. General Ledger Exceptions – July 1 20XX to July 31 20XX – Sort by Account Name – Leave Cash Basis unticked

  7. Journal Report – July 1 20XX to July 31 20XX – Order by Journal ID – Leave Show Posted Manual Journals Only unticked – Set showing 200 items per page [should result in a single page report]

  8. Fixed Asset Reconciliation – July 20XX


Marking will be reflective of your completion of the activity as prescribed, submission of the required reports and accuracy of your financial information.

The part of the assignment is worth 20 out of the possible 25 marks.

Part 2: Field visit to the Finance Services Centre at ECU Context

In week 10 of semester (October 10, 2019) the lecture will be given by staff from the Finance Services Centre at ECU.

Following the lecture, each tutorial group, instead of the normal tutorial this week will meet the Finance Services Centre [specific details will be provided prior to the tutorial] at ECU for a guided tour of the Centre. Due to limitations you must come on the tour during your enrolled tutorial time.

The topic focused lecture for week 10 will provided in the learning module. There will be no tutorial test this week.

Following the field trip, you are required to complete the following assessment task.

Assessment task

Following the lecture and field visit to the Finance Services Centre at ECU you are required to complete a reflective writing piece worth 5% of overall mark [five marks of the 25 allocated to the assignment] as follows:

“Understanding the capabilities required to effectively apply the skills and knowledge acquired during your degree studies is critical for when you graduate and transition to the workplace.

In this activity you will consider the capabilities required to effectively perform in the accounts payable, accounts receivable, and asset management areas of an accounting practice, drawing on your own experience and the information provided by the ECU Financial Services Centre.

You will need to write a personal reflection (maximum 350 – 500 words) on the following points:

  • What capabilities – both discipline-focused and non-technical (e.g. generic or soft skills, such as communication and team working) - do you feel are critical to operating effectively in accounts payable, accounts receivable, and asset management areas of accounting.

  • How confident are you that you have developed these capabilities and what gaps do you feel you might have?

  • What are some key actions you can take to further develop these capabilities to make you more attractive in the graduate labour market and make it easier for you to perform well in the workplace?

Use the DIEP model to guide your reflective writing, being careful not to spend too long describing but instead focusing on interpreting the situation, evaluating your feelings, and considering how this might affect you going forward. The expectation is that the ‘Evaluation and Planning’ aspects of the DIEP model will be prominent in your reflective submission. Resources on writing reflections can be found online. The guide provided by RMIT might be helpful - https://emedia.rmit.edu.au/learninglab/content/how-use-diep-0


The following marking rubric will be applied in the marking of your reflective piece.

High Distinction

80% +







Below Pass

49% -

Reflective Writing

Your reflective writing provides a comprehensive analysis of your understanding of the professional capabilities required for successful practice, your own abilities and how you could improve these.

Your reflective writing provides a detailed analysis of your understanding of the professional capabilities required for successful practice, your own abilities and how you could improve these.

Your reflective writing some good discussion and analysis of your understanding of the professional capabilities required for successful practice, your own abilities and how you could improve these.

Your reflective writing is highly descriptive, discussing some aspects of your understanding of the professional capabilities required for successful practice and limited consideration of your own abilities and how you could improve these.

Your reflective writing skills require further development to demonstrate greater levels of analysis and evaluation. Consider discussing what you learned and how this may benefit you in the future, rather than simply restating your experience.


Your reflective piece should be submitted as a Microsoft Word document [not a PDF or other document format], the reflection should be between 350 to 500 words in length.

Submission can only be made via the Assignment Manger link in the Assessment area of Blackboard. Email or hard-copy submissions cannot be accepted.

The deadline for submissions is 23:59 on Sunday October 20, 2019. Late submissions will be accepted within the University rules, but late submission penalties will be applied unless prior exemption has been granted.