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Identity Theft in the Internet

Student name’s:



Balaji Yadav. Mekala

Kranthi Sekhar Reddy.Kolli


University of the Cumberland’s


In today's competitive world, the art of identity theft is increasing throughout the world. The research is, therefore, aimed at making individuals aware of what identity theft is as well as its effects. The Study is thus aimed at outlining what is happening in the current world as well as the type of technology that utilized to enhance such theft. The research will also focus on some of the problems that are associated with this theft, as well as the solutions that ought to be offered for such issues to be curbed. The article will aim at explaining the means that one can use to protect themselves from identity theft. The first Study is on some of the theft that occurs on the internet, as well as some of the social effects that have been escalated by this kind of problem. The dangers or, instead, the impact of this crime will be identified.

Key Words

Identity theft

Social security

Cyber Crime



Online Scam

Fake ID

Password Cracking


The main aim of the research paper is to discuss more of the cyber-crime as well as some of the effects of this crime. It is worth noting due to globalization, and the world has been turned into a small village. The internet has increased the rate at which information reaches different parts of the world. Just as people have been growing, the price of resource depletion has risen dramatically. The art has stroked what is termed as competition (Davis, 2003).

In most cases, the people who are outshined by others end up living under the mercies of their competitors. However, with the advancement in technology, experts have identified what is termed as fake ID and utilized them to win demands in the market. In other words, people have been selling goods and services using other people's identities who are more well-up or who have gained some sense of competitive advantage. One of the purest forms of defining identity theft is the act of stealing other people's details such as credit card details, social security numbers, dates of birth, among others, for personal gains. In the modern world, with the advancement in technology, the art of stealing other people's identities has dramatically increased. The art is becoming dangerous as there are so many aspects that require online solutions. In other words, issues such as banking need more of online registration. Also, there are aspects such as pay pals that are purely online platforms. In most cases, cyber-crime activists target such platforms and ensure that they have accessed accounts without the owner's permission. The aspect is dangerous as many instances have been reported of people losing their funds through such identify stealing.


In the modern-day, the internet is everything. Aspects such as banking to schooling are more into online service delivery. In other words, most aspects of life are conducted via various online platforms. For instance, in a nation such as the UK, more than ¾ of the individuals in the countries are more into the utilization of the internet. The aspect indicates that people have been sharing their information on the internet to receive services. It is worth noting that even services such as booking of an airplane, let alone a room requires more of online registration. The aspect indicates that for one to receive some of the essential services that are necessary for life, the art of including the internet is very critical. In the modern world. The internet has been one of the best forms of communication across the globe as a whole. In other words, people can easily communicate from one corner of the earth to the earth with a matter of seconds through the internet.

The art of auction, as well as selling goods and services, is now practical via online platforms. One of the aspects that have led to the increased development of technology is the fact that information can be shared with ease via the internet. Online business is more effective as compared to some other trades that involve a lot of bureaucracy. However, with increased development in terms, if technology, thieves have been taking advantage of the desire to earn from the internet through illegal means. In other words, as people try to make ends meet and converse via the internet, the smugglers, as well as robbers, take advantage of these situations and identify some of the prominent individuals and get a solution. However, consumers have identified some of the aspects aimed at protecting them from viruses as well as the arty of identity theft. One of the most prominent art used in protection include the firewall. It is worth noting that firewall refers to a network security device that is utilized in monitoring both the outgoing as well as incoming network signals (Finch, 2012).

The tool is critical in the sense that it decides whether it will block or allow specific traffic signals on a particular defined set of security rules. The firewall can be hardware, software, or both. A smooth-wall, on the other hand, is an open source firewall distribution based on a Linux or GNU operating system. A firewall is designed to prevent any access to or from a private network that is unauthorized. Thus, all the datagram leaving or entering the intranet passes via the device. The significant role of the invention is thus blocking unauthorized access as it permits only authorized communications using the packet filtering device. Smooth-Wall Linux distribution is one of the robust but straightforward firewalls that can be installed by anyone. It is worth noting that configuring, as well as establishing a Linux firewall, can be one of the most challenging tasks. However, the smooth Linux distribution simplifies the daunting task and guarantees more security within one's devices. In other words, the continuous Linux distribution plays a significant role in providing an easy way of configuring a firewall without necessarily using a lot of hardware requirements (McCarty, 2003).

Despite all these forms of protection that target consumer of the internet, the cyber-crime or rather identity theft tend to be escalating. Cyber-Crime has turned out to be one of the global issues affecting leads all the nations in the world. There are various hackers as well as smugglers who have taken advantage of the fact that not all internet users are fast. The aspect is due to the fact that there is a lot of stealing that has been happening in the online platforms. It is worth noting that with the current advancement in technology, nine out of ten active users of the internet are affected by the art of identity theft. People have been losing properties, and they keep missing it courtesy of identity theft. The technique has been increasing owing to the fact that a lot of people those that are less literate are forced to use the internet as they can access certain services. The aspect has been detrimental as people who are logging into some of these online platforms have little knowledge of what needs to be done for protection to be enhanced. In other words, some don't know when and how to log out of their accounts. The aspect has been detrimental as smugglers use such opportunities to explore their identity and can utilize them to steal from others. Also, some of these smugglers are using technologies as well as other people's identity to acquire logins as well as security passwords holding funds of different individuals. In other words, online fraud has increased such that people are stealing from others using their own identities. In other words, hackers have been able to use other people's security passwords as well as security cords to log into their accounts and misdirect funds.


As indicated earlier, identity theft in Cyber Crime has been increasing throughout the entire globe. Hackers, as well as smugglers, are stealing using other people's identities daily. People are losing their funds as well as resources courtesy of this form of theft. However, one of the aspects that are escalating the art of thus theft is the fact that a lot of people who are using the internet aren't aware of what is happening on the internet. In other words, very few people have utilized various means of protection to offer maximum security to their identities in the online platforms. In other words, society is mostly exposed to smugglers, and no efforts are being made to protect innocent internet users. However, despite all these crimes as well as exposure to theft, the use of the internet has been growing immensely. In other words, people are embarrassing the use of the internet in almost all fields. There are critical programs as well as accounts that require online attention to be effective. Thus, the art of understanding what online identity theft is is essential. In other words, society needs to understand all the aspects that are involved in online theft so as issues can be fixed. One of the elements that have been prominent in the art of identity theft is that the lack of knowledge, as well as means of protecting one from online robbery, has been the primary reason why hackers have been able to gain access to some of these sensitive security accounts. In other words, people who are the current users of the internet have little or no knowledge of how they need to protect themselves. The art has escalated online theft into higher levels such that people are now retrieving from the use of the internet. However, recovering from the usage of the internet won't solve anything. The society need to understand all the aspects involved in identity theft and understand the situations at hand.


In the entire world, the art of identity theft is spreading like a virus. The aspect is becoming one of the significant problems in the world as a whole. After every day, new cases of theft, as well as smuggling, are being reported. Despite all these, the internet, as well as its platform, has become one of the essential means of communicating globally. In other words, people have been connecting from one corner of the globe to the other via the internet. The aspect indicates that the internet will be utilized day after day. However, there ought to be developed means that are aimed at protecting all the users on the internet. Also, people need to be educated on the necessary aspects that are vital in the art of protection.

Nowadays, online business is the order of the day. In other words, people are more into exchanging goods and services via various online platforms. For instance, in the UK, there are more than $3.3 million that have been transacting on the online platforms. The aspect indicates that people are gaining more trust in online business. However, as people are gaining access to some of these online platforms, the smugglers are gaining more access to some of these personal and organizational accounts. The aspect is linked to the fact that there are some of the users that are less concerned over their securities online. The element is detrimental in that, and the smugglers use this opportunity to gain access to some of these accounts and get some of the sensitive information.

In most cases, the information is utilized in gaining access to other accounts that are relatively prominent. Others use such identities to smuggler their friends as well as relatives. The aspect puts everyone who is using the internet on the verge of danger such that no one knows when to expect to smuggle. Hackers, on the other hand, have been using such information to gain access to bank accounts and misdirect information to other accounts. There have been reports of increased smuggling as well as hacking in the banking sector, as many users are less concerned about their identity in the online platforms. The aspect has been the primary reason being the increased theft as well as the change of status in the online platforms.

One of the aspect that is worth noting is that the internet requires one to share some personal information before one gains access to some platforms. Scholars have identified that these are the significant smuggling sources on the web. The art is linked to the fact that the sharing of this information might be the source of viruses as well as other malware in various platforms. As one trying to eliminate these Trojans and viruses, hackers can gain access to some of the most sensitive information. Through such information, attackers can gain access to very many accounts that are linked to the same networking (Vidalis & Angelopoulou, 2014).

One of the biggest hassles for internet users has been identity theft. It is worth noting that some internet users utilize e-bays as a platform for selling and buying goods. It is worth noting that e-bay is one of the giant online websites. On such a website, one may be required to share sensitive information such as card details to be in a good position of transacting. The aspect introduces a third party that tends to understand the information that is shared. It is worth noting that the smugglers or rather the hackers can utilize such information to gain access to the details.

In most cases, some uses, such as identity to transact. In other words, if a smuggler doesn't have a card that is being useful in such a platform, they may hack the user of the platform and use their identities to buy goods and services. It is worth noting that there are cases where these cards have sensitive information that shares the banking details. In other words, hackers may use the available data to gain access to the banking details of the person involved. In most cases, the smugglers may either use these details to purchase items or even use the security cords to gain access to the banking information (Villa-Real, 2014).

Identity theft has increased in the online platform, following the fact that the number of people who are surfing or instead of using the internet to purchase items has increased dramatically. Unfortunately, more personal information is being shared on the internet. In other words, there are online platforms that require personal data for transactions to be valid. Credit card details, as well as bank details, are needed for several platforms. However, the hackers, on the other hand, have been trying to utilize such information and gain access to some of the banks they have been targeting. The aspect put all the internet users at the risk of losing more funds as well.

Some of the vices that are associated with identify theft include:


Some websites require the use of ID to gain access to the services therein. However, there are cases where smugglers use counterfeit IDs to gain access. The aspect creates some sense of insecurity, especially when some sensitive information is shared. There are other hackers or rather smugglers who can come up with fake IDs that look as if they are original. It is worth noting that such smugglers can use such IDs to pretend they are the managers of a particular organization and end up stealing from you. Some use such IDs in creating some relatively fake accounts and tens to increases the art or streaking from others. Most of these smugglers tend to be seductive, especially if you are new in a particular platform. The aspect creates some sense of insecurity for all the online users.


It is one of the scams that involve the art of sending fake web pages to one's email from a known platform. Most of these emails tend to update the billing information and may, at times, misdirect someone to the usage of a specific type of bank. One may share their banking information or send money without their knowledge. The aspect creates some sense of insecurity on the internet hence the need to be vigilant.


The main focus of the research study is to identify some of the identity theft that is common on the internet as well as some of the possible solutions.


Over the recent few years, there have been significant reports of individuals being denied their funds and others being smuggled. There are other cases where the identities of prominent persons are used in the wrong way (Reyns, 2013). The aspect is linked to the fact that there are online smugglers that tend to steal people's identities for their benefit. The art of identity theft has been one of the global issues the need to be addressed once and for all. It is worth noting that there are many aspects of the robbery that have been observed due to the art of users being unaware. Thus, apart from the fact that there are online smugglers of people's identity, the art of users being unaware is one of the significant issues that is increasing the incidence of identity theft hence a need to be addressed with urgency.


Ho: identity theft is on the rise due to ignorance.

Ha: Identity theft is not on the rise due to ignorance.


The research used more of secondary data to compare the rate at which people are being conned online and the art of being educated. In other words, a lot of reviews, as well as data that is available online, will be used to solve or instead find a solution to the hypothesis that identity theft is linked to the fact that most of the online users aren't aware of the aspects of identity theft and how it happens. In other words, the research is aimed at identifying whether there is a co-relationship between identity theft and the lack of proper educations. The aspect is linked to the fact that there have been reports that a lack of adequate knowledge about identity theft has been the primary reason behind the increased incidence.

Results. Data sourced from the security agencies in UK


Cases Reported

Number of people educated

















As indicated in the analysis above, the more people have educated on online theft as well as means of protecting themselves from robbery, the lesser the number of cases is reported. The aspect indicates that society needs to beware of identity theft and be taught on various issues that ought to be utilized for one to be safe. The element will significantly reduce the rate at which the cases of online identity theft are being reported.


Identity theft has been one of the significant issues that have been affecting the globe. People have been using other people`s identity to steal from others or instead gain access to areas they wouldn’t be allowed. Various aspects utilized by a smuggler to gain access to multiple accounts, which can be a person or rather organizational reports. There are cases where individuals share their personal information in the e-bay services as well as other online shopping centers.

In most cases, their target is always that of getting access to some of the sensitive information and utilize to smuggler others. It is worth noting that sharing such information results in cyber-attacks. In most cases, cyber cases cause a lot of issues that need to be fixed for networking to be effective.


Based on the above problems of identity theft, among other aspects, the art of installing a firewall can prevent one`s computer from getting any form of Trojan or preferably viruses. For the installation of the firewall, you need to have an Intel-based PC with 8 MB of RAM, a CD-ROM drive, 100 MB of disk space as well as access to a CD-ROM writer. It is critical to understand that the smooth wall will erase all the partitions as well as all the information in the hard-drive installed. Also, the smooth-Wall works best if the machine used in the installation process doesn’t provide any other services such as sending emails. Once the smooth-wall is installed, it designates the host machine with a particular router or firewall. Thus, before installing the smooth wall, it is essential to select the engine and ensure that it fits with all the requirements. In a nutshell, the aspect of firewalling and routing are always some of the most challenging tasks that most admins face. In other words, the issue of preventing an intruder from accessing some of the private information one`s device is complicated. However, the smooth wall Linux distribution provides one of the simplest but the best solution. One of the merits of this firewall is that it uses very minimal hardware drives hence less costly. Also, the router and the firewall can run in approximately 15 to 30 minutes. The aspect thus guarantees one of the best forms of security as it allows internet connection security through the element of masquerading. Therefore for a simple and robust security solution, the best option is using IP security routing systems as well as adopting the SmooothWall Linux system that guarantees safety over your devices as well as the information therein. In other words, a firewall refers to a network security device that is useful in monitoring both the incoming as well as the outgoing network signals. The method is critical in the sense that it decides whether it will block or allow specific traffic signals on a particular defined set of security rules. The firewall can be hardware, software, or both. Thus, to enhance the security of your devices, you need a firewall installed via the SmooothWall Linux distribution.

The art of having a firewall in one computer is critical as it helps in the art if eliminating issues as well as threats that tend to cause any form of theft. Some of the methods that are used by hackers include password cracking as well as the use of Trojans, worm as well as viruses. There are at times where they use phishing emails where it offers a cheap option on clicking it. However, with aspects such as firewalls, it becomes different from hackers to gain access to the premises or rather individual accosts (Holtfreter, et al 2015).

Each firm also needs to have an incidence response team that can help in fixing issues. In computing, the incidence response team plays a critical role in ensuring that data security in any premises is highly guaranteed. On realizing this, the University of Cumberland has provided that every student who enrolls for a course in operation security gains the necessary skills that are required for one to be effective in responding to any security threat. One of the significant roles of the incidence response team is to identify the source of the danger and offer the correct mitigation path to be utilized to prevent further damage. In other words, as a member of an incidence response team, one is required to explain all the necessary details provided and identify the source of the threat and, if possible, the method to be taken to mitigate the risk. The source of danger is significant (Holtfreter, et al 2015). The aspects of installing firewalls as well as other protective gears, are critical in the course. Thus, skills that are offered are instilled in any student who studies operational security. The aspect has been crucial as these are the people who have been helping premises as well as organizations to mitigate and avoid some of the risks that could have cost them a lot.

In a nutshell, as an operational security manager, one is required to have the necessary skills to identify risks as well as responding to them. It is the role of the incidence response team to identify a threat and know the source before offering guidance on how to manage it. The skills, as well as know-how installed to a learner of operational security, are vital in mitigating some of these risks that are faced by a lot of premises in the security we live in today.


Identity theft has been gaining roots in the current world of technology. People are losing funds as well as resources courtesy of this kind of robbery. It is worth noting that this theft is escalated by the fact that the users of the internet are less aware of this theft as well as the things that are involved. However, with the current technologies, organizations are in a position of installing firewalls that prevent hackers, as well as smugglers, from gaining access to the various personal as well as organizational accounts. A firewall prevents all forms of hacking hence protecting the online users as well.


Davis, E. S. (2003). A world wide problem on the World Wide Web: International responses to transnational identity theft via the Internet. Wash. UJL & Pol'y12, 201.

Finch, E. (2012). What a tangled web we weave: Identity theft and the Internet. In Dot. cons (pp. 94-112). Willan.

Holtfreter, K., Reisig, M. D., Pratt, T. C., & Holtfreter, R. E. (2015). Risky remote purchasing and identity theft victimization among older Internet users. Psychology, Crime & Law21(7), 681-698.

McCarty, B. (2003). Automated identity theft. IEEE Security & Privacy1(5), 89-92.

Reyns, B. W. (2013). Online routines and identity theft victimization: Further expanding routine activity theory beyond direct-contact offenses. Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency50(2), 216-238.

Vidalis, S., & Angelopoulou, O. (2014). Assessing identity theft in the Internet of Things. Journal of IT Convergence Practice.

Villa-Real, A. E. C. (2014). U.S. Patent No. 8,831,677. Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.