In Week 1, you discussed GIG, Inc.'s benefits and concerns with moving to the cloud. In Week 2, you created a high-level diagram of a system using built-in AWS that provided reliability, availability,

Cloud Migration

Cloud Migration

Moving to the Cloud can be an intimidating process, but with today’s technology, it is a technology that all businesses should consider when looking to cut cost and increase on-site productivity. Cloud migration can place business’ in position for success and insure they have the upper hand on future advances in technology. We will discuss cost, technologies, and security concerns.

Migration Cost

Being that profit gains are the most important aspects of business; owners continuously look at ways to cut cost. Cloud storage is a reasonable route because suppliers assume the expenses of the framework and administration saving company’s money. The expense of hardware and maintenance cost are significantly reduced when migrating to the Cloud. With the use on off-site server farms and software (the cloud) companies can save thousands of dollars in maintenance and personnel salaries.

Migration Technologies and Options

The four types of cloud migration are called lift and shift, shift to Software-as-a-Service (SaaS), application refactoring, and replat forming. Lift and shift provide the same software that your company used in the data center, but now in the Cloud. This is the fastest method for migrating applications to the Cloud and the one that causes the least disruption. It only requires the involvement of the infrastructure and security teams. It's also the option with the least upfront cost. Moving the application to the Cloud allows it to handle peak performance, without your company having to pay for it. Shifting to SaaS means outsourcing one or more applications to a cloud services company that specializes in managing those applications. Companies do this on a request by application basis and only shift the applications they need to. Static applications can remain on-premises. Moving to SaaS frees employees up to focus on core competencies and the things that make a business unique and competitive. Outsourcing applications to SaaS also means that you need fewer licenses for business tools. However, it's essential when shifting an application to SaaS that you pick the right service. Refactoring is about prioritization; it provides lots of opportunities to save over time by minimizing spending on things you won't need once you're in the Cloud. You can save money on the platform itself as well by switching to cloud-native services that cost less than the ones you use on-premises. Refactoring isn’t just about cutting costs. It also allows you to make changes to your enterprise very quickly, which means that you can keep up with your customers.  Refactoring lets you respond faster and prioritize updates ("Shadow-Soft," 2017).

Migration Security and Reliability

As opposed to having hardware on-site, cloud storage is housed in an off-site server farm, which provides excellent security and reliability. Additionally, in the Cloud, information is stored to several servers, so in the event of server failure the information is protected and can be restored from backups. The potential hardware or software failure gets to be insignificant when information is securely stored in different regions. One main issue with migration to the Cloud is the possibility of network failure, network failure will result in temporary loss of access to the internet-based cloud service. Although the using on-site servers instead could be an alternate resolution, on-site servers can be a bit pricy as far as maintenance and IT personnel. The cost of security and reliability can be reduced significantly when using the Cloud.

Preliminary Plan

Getting server equipment for the main office and migrating data to the new servers should be the priority. A plan for security and maintenance of the servers should be put in place as well and the hosting of data over the Cloud. Individual access should be established for personnel that needs to be productive in a mobile capacity.


In conclusion, moving to the Cloud is an excellent idea for future growth. The cost is minimal, and many features only require a onetime or minimal monthly cost. Cloud services can reduce cost when the services are only purchased for those employees that readily need them. If the migration is planned and executed properly, data loss can be minimal to nonexistent. Cloud migration can be the direct result of a company’s success and increased productivity


Banerjee, J. (2018). AWS certified solutions architect associates all-in-one exam guide. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education.

Shadow-Soft, (2017). Retrieved from: