In Week 1, you discussed GIG, Inc.'s benefits and concerns with moving to the cloud. In Week 2, you created a high-level diagram of a system using built-in AWS that provided reliability, availability,


We are going to look at the structure of the AWS and security benefits that it brings about to our organization. We can see that we have three levels of access and they include customer level, administrative level and system level. Let us look at them one by one.

Customer level

Customer level has got the minimal privileges. A user at the customer level can only access the system to read and write data but cannot make administrating decisions such opening a certain port for MySQL instance etc.

Administrative level

Users in this level can perform administrative tasks. The administrative tasks may include issuing of rights and privileges to users accessing the database, opening and closing of ports etc.

System level

In system level, an application can communicate with the system, for example, when someone authenticates his/herself using an application like Facebook.

Security benefits

Chances of a user causing harm to the system such as virus attacks are minimal since users have minimal privileges.

There is sense of accountability and responsibility because the number of administrators with access to the administrative level is minimal.