help me in my lab

© Paul Koester, Dallas County Community College , 2018 COSC 2425 – Computer Organization Lab # 3 – Moore Machine Create a Java program which implements this Moore machine . Requirements 1. The program must be written in Java . 2. It must request the initial state and the in put. It displays the machine ’s output and the final state , as in the example below. 3. The input is a string of zeros and ones o nly. 4. If the initial state or input i s invalid , an error message is produced. The program may, but is not required to use Java exceptions in this case 5. The program must implement the entire Moore machine, n ot just the inputs below . The instructor will test it with different input Hint : There are many different ways to do this , but consider usi ng an array of state objects . One way is to declare this class, // This class represents one state in a Moore machine public class Moore { private char state ; // The name of the state private String output ; // The output displayed when this state is entered int zero ; // The index of the next state given an input of 0 int one ; // The index of the next state given an input of 1 // Public constructors and meth ods here Then in main you can create the array of states like Moore[] mooreStates = new Moore[5]; mooreStates [0] = new Moore( ' ' , "" , 0, 0); mooreStates [1] = new Moore( 'A' , "00 " , 2, 4); mooreStates [2] = new Moore( 'B' , "01 " , 2, 3); mooreStates [3] = new Moore( 'C' , "11 " , 4, 3); mooreStates [4] = new Moore( 'D' , "10 " , 3, 1); Upload: Your Java (.java ) file. Sample Output Please enter the initial State: D Please enter the input: 111 The output is: © Paul Koester, Dallas County Community College , 2018 10 00 10 00 The final State is: A Please enter the initial State: A Please enter the input: 10010100 The output is: 00 10 11 10 00 01 11 10 11 The final State is: C