Research Topic Submission This section is the opening 1–2 paragraphs of the student’s dissertation, which will be titled “Background” or something of that nature, in his/her dissertation. This paper s

Dissertation Background Topic Rubric


Levels of Achievement









Not present


Title of Research

19 to 20 points

Provides a very specific and detailed title for the research paper (like what we might see in a journal article). The title reflects a narrowed topic.

17.75 to 18.75 points

Provides a general title for the research paper.

1 to 17.5 points

Provides a non-specific title for the research. The title may not reflect the breadth of the research paper topic or thesis statement.

0 points

Not present


19 to 20 points

Demonstrates a clear and profound opening.

17.75 to 18.75 points

Opening is relatively clear but may need some development.

1 to 17.5 points

Opening is not clear or needs substantial development.

0 points

Not present

Brief paragraph: Why is this topic important to the criminal justice field and to you?

11.75 to 12.5 points

Presents a well-developed and critical statement of the overall importance of topic to criminal justice. Student uses elevated examples from research to substantiate claims. Student presents a strong personal reflection on the topic and addresses why the topic is important to them.

11 to 11.5 points

Presents an acceptable statement of the overall importance of topic to criminal justice. Student uses relevant examples from research to substantiate claims. Student presents a good personal reflection on the topic and addresses why the topic is important to them.

1 to 10.75 points

Statement of the overall importance of topic to criminal justice needs improvement. Student does not use examples from research to substantiate claims. Student presents a minimal personal reflection on the topic and may not address why the topic is important to them.

0 points

Not present

Structure (30%)







Not present


Grammar and Spelling

11.75 to 12.5 points

Correct spelling and grammar used throughout. Topic contains no errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content.

11 to 11.5 points

Topic contains some errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content.

1 to 10.75 points

Topic contains several errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content.

0 points

Essay contains substantial/significant errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content.

APA Format Compliance

9.5 to 10 points

At least 2 references cited in the text and listed in the reference list.

No errors noted in the interpretation or execution of proper APA format.

**APA compliance includes the proper application of in-text citations and a reference list.

8.75 to 9.25 points

At least 2 references cited in the text and listed in a reference list.

Some errors noted in the interpretation or execution of proper APA format.

**APA compliance includes the proper application of in-text citations and a reference list.

1 to 8.5 points

Fewer than 2 references cited in the text and listed in reference list.

Several errors noted in the execution of proper APA format.

**APA compliance includes the proper application of in-text citations and a reference list.

0 points

No APA format application. Citations and reference list missing.

**APA compliance includes the proper application of in-text citations and a reference list.

Professor Comments:

