The main purpose of the Professional Portfolio is to provide a package of materials, which can be used by you, the prospective family nurse practitioner (FNP), when seeking an employment position.  It

Family Nurse Practitioner

Deepak Sharma

Prof. Nunnally



Family Nurse Practitioner

The Family Nurse Practitioner role has advanced with an expansion in the population, making extreme interest for patients requiring essential care. Family nurse experts (FNPs) are ending up increasingly overwhelming with the capacity to think about patients of all different life stages and age groups. Many Americans globally have been essential care under the service of FNPs. From a study conducted by the American Association of Nurse Practitioners, more than 75% of FNPs provided primary care (2015).

Required Competencies for Family Nurse Practitioners

FNP requires undergoing a high level of training together with completion of master’s programs in Nursing. "They should likewise pass a national affirmation, occasional peer review, clinical result assessments, and abide as indicated by ethical practices. NPs should then keep up clinical competency through continued training and development (AANP, 2018)." FNPs function frequently works together with other medicinal services suppliers to all the more likely care for patients and their health status, consequently captivating ahead of time clinical practice.

According to Hamric et al., (2013), FNPs primary role is to participate in consultations programs that help them apply different advanced measure in promoting quality care for the patients. To effectively work in a medical care setting, NPs needs to have a comprehensive understanding of different counteractive actions for diseases, promotions services, and wellbeing education. FNPs work alongside other primary providers to serve in a diverse setting such as specialty medical care services, primary, and acute to work effectively with a different group and life stages.

Professional Organizations for Family Nurse Practitioners

American Association of Nurse practitioners is a national association for NPs. Their main goal is to urge NP's to promote quality medicinal services by training, instruction, support, research, and initiative. This association offers a variety of advantages for their individuals, for example, networking opportunities, giving training and profession essentials, diaries and memberships, proficient practice apparatuses, discounts, and backing. The most gainful and valuable advantage would be advocacy because of their continued authority and cooperation with NP groups. They additionally give leadership and consultation from a regional and universal level for medicinal services elements, consumers, policymakers, and lawmakers (Woo, Lee & San Tam, 2017). Metrolina Coalition of Nurse Practitioners is a state association that spotlights on systems administration, instruction, community ventures, Nurse Practitioner awareness, and understudy preceptorship (Metrolina Coalition of Nurse Practitioners, 2013). National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties (NONPF) mission is to be the leader in quality training for Nurse Practitioners. NONPF training goals are to provide education to FNP scholars through evidence-based systems and available resources to advance brilliance. Likewise the association offers grants in research, training and leadership (National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties, 2018). Every one of these associations would be helpful in my expert vocation as a Family Nurse Practitioner. They would give free continuing training activities, current news on medicinal services themes, and supporter for the NP profession on a state and national level.


Concerning FNP program results, this course is a vital segment to make progress after graduating. MSN-597 involves an acknowledgment that the masters prepared FNP applies and incorporates expansive, hierarchical, patient-focused, and culturally suitable medical knowledge identifying vulnerable population, providing care and services to the public, application of evidence-based counteractive measures, management, delivery and planning. Being a family nurse practitioner, I should be able to take care of all patients ranging from paediatrics to geriatrics. This class enhanced my clinical knowledge and broadened my range of exposure.


American Association of Nurse Practitioners, (2015). Scope of practice for nurse practitioners

Hamric, A. B., Hanson, C. M., Tracy, M. F., & O'Grady, E. T. (2013). Advanced Practice Nursing-E-Book: An Integrative Approach. Elsevier Health Sciences.

Metrolina Coalition of Nurse Practitioners. (2013). Our Foundation. Retrieved from

National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties. (2018). Membership types and Benefits.Retrieved from

Woo, B. F. Y., Lee, J. X. Y., & San Tam, W. W. (2017). The impact of the advanced practice nursing role on quality of care, clinical outcomes, patient satisfaction, and cost in the emergency and critical care settings: a systematic review. Human resources for health15(1), 63.