M1D1: Defining Cybersecurity Module 1 After reading the module notes and the assigned readings, you will have formed some ideas on what defines cybersecurity. Your background, field of employment, and

Module 1: Module Notes: Approaches to Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity is difficult to define and can be approached from a variety of paradigms.  Daily news stories highlight data breeches, infrastructure attacks, and various cybercrime events.  Improving cybersecurity requires the practitioner to make changes to policies, software, and hardware.  How and why those changes are made should reflect the underlying approach to cybersecurity for the individual, the firm, or the nation. This module will look at three basic paradigms for cybersecurity: national security, economic, and public health.  It will also include examination of how different nations approach the cybersecurity problem.

As you prepare for the discussions in this module, I recommend you review the Code Wars video.  The introduction points out many of the key issues involved in the cybersecurity challenge such as the seamless nature of the Internet, the anonymity shielding potential bad actors, and the increasing importance of cyber to everyday life in the 21st Century. Bayuk, et al. (2012) provides a nice survey of the issues confronting the United States of America (U.S.) and others.

It is important that each student develop his own understanding of cybersecurity.  As Craigen, Diakun-Thibault, and Purse (2014) point out, there is no one accepted definition of cybersecurity.  The focus changes from the technical IT person focused on protecting a specific network to the National Security Council staffer developing a national policy position. The paradigm selected will guide what tools will be employed to increase cybersecurity. Nation states also take a distinct view of what cybersecurity entails.  Is it protection of networks, data, and access as argued by the United States and the liberal democracies of the West or does it also include the nature of the content as argued by China, Russia, and others (China Internet, 2015)?

We will examine three different paradigms for addressing cybersecurity: national security, economics, and public health.  Harknett and Stever (2011) represent the national security focused approach to cybersecurity.  Protection of critical infrastructure and defense of the nation are the key objectives of this approach.  The national security paradigm emphasis is on traditional military concepts to strengthen protections for the networks to ensure that the government can continue to function in the face of a cyber-attack.  Moore (2010) stresses the ability of economic incentives to improve cybersecurity.  While largely focused on individual businesses, the ability of government to mandate breech disclosure and how it makes companies liable for failures in cybersecurity can shape how a nation secures its infrastructure.  Remember 80% or more of the critical infrastructure is owned and operated by private firms.  Finally, Mulligan and Schneider (2011) argue for a public health/public good approach to cybersecurity.  If the Internet is truly a global commons, the steps taken to improve individual networks and computers provide a benefit for all.  Should government require individuals to install anti-virus programs and take cybersecurity training to be able to plugin?

The final readings in the section look at how other nations have approached cybersecurity.  Baker (2014) provides a look at the issues in developing nations as they establish cyber policy.  Not surprisingly several countries like the U.S. and U.K emphasize the national security aspects in their strategies but other countries such as Germany focus on the economic issues involved in cybersecurity.  Where do nations concerned with content focus? As you review the paper, think about the countries you are familiar with and why they would focus on the issues they do. 

Finally, consider your company, industry, or profession.  Why is it concerned with cybersecurity? Which tools should be emphasized?


  • Baker, E. W. (2014). A Model for the Impact of Cybersecurity Infrastructure on Economic Development in Emerging Economies: Evaluating the Contrasting Cases of India and Pakistan (Links to an external site.). Information Technology For Development, 20(2), 122-139. Retrieved from http://vlib.excelsior.edu/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=a9h&AN=95593148&site=eds-live&scope=site

  • China internet: Xi Jinping calls for “cyber sovereignty.” (Links to an external site.) (2015, Dec 16). Retrieved December 16, 2015, from http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-35109453

  • Craigen, D., Diakun-Thibault, N., & Purse, R. (2014). Defining cybersecurity. (Links to an external site.) Technology Innovation Management Review, 4(10), 13-21. Retrieved from http://vlib.excelsior.edu/login?url=http://search.proquest.com/docview/1638205509?accountid=134966

  • Harknett, R. J., & Stever, J. A. (2011). The New Policy World of Cybersecurity.  (Links to an external site.)Public Administration Review71(3), 455-460. Retrieved from http://vlib.excelsior.edu/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=bth&AN=60467442&site=eds-live&scope=site

  • Moore, T. (2010). The economics of cybersecurity: Principles and policy options.  (Links to an external site.)International Journal Of Critical Infrastructure Protection3103-117. Retrieved from http://vlib.excelsior.edu/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=edselp&AN=S1874548210000429&site=eds-live&scope=site

  • Mulligan, D. K., & Schneider, F. B. (2011). Doctrine for Cybersecurity.  (Links to an external site.)Daedalus, 140(4), 70–92.  Retrieved from http://vlib.excelsior.edu/login?url=http://search.proquest.com.vlib.excelsior.edu/docview/903303254?accountid=134966

To begin our module activities on “Approaches to Cybersecurity” let’s reflect on what cybersecurity means. What is important from your point of view for a cybersecurity policy? How would you define cybersecurity? Why? 

Keep these questions in mind as you continue on to your module activities.