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Detailed Outline for a Research Project

Miles and Flora: Are they innocent or sinister?

  1. Introduction

In the introduction I will briefly summarize the novel -The Turn of the Screw- by Henry James. I will describe how the Henry James used the concept of innocence and how it relates to my topic. I will develop my research by using the following questions:

  1. Does the author suggest that Miles and Flora are innocent based on the notion that children have a pure soul until this innocence is corrupted?

  2. What is the general definition of sinister, and how does this play an important role in this story?

  3. Do Miles and Flora experience a supernatural or psychological event that creates the type of behavior according to the narrator?

  4. Do the ghosts cause children’s corruption, and if so, do Miles and Flora let them in wittingly?

After I finish writing my introduction, I will then propose my thesis statement. It will read something like this: Henry James’s The Turn of the Screw is considered to be a story about the loss of innocence, which encompasses the major themes in this story, and evil ghosts who corrupt that innocence making the children seem wicked. The purpose of this research paper is to confirm or deny these claims by providing supporting evidence relevant to the argument.

  1. Body of the Paper

  1. Corruption of Innocence

What do people consider as loss of innocence?

  1. Governess relationship with Miles and Flora

Is the relationship between them trustworthy or the children never trusted the governess or vice versa?

  1. Innocence vs Sinister

According to the research, which one has a greater impact on the characters?

  1. Peter Quint and Miss Jessel

Are the ghosts real or just a figment of the governess imagination?

  1. Symbols

How are symbols used in this story, and what they represent? How do they relate to innocence or evil?

  1. Mile’s Death

Is Peter Quint responsible for Miles’s death or is the governess indirectly responsible for this death?

  1. Conclusion

In the conclusion, I will summarize my research paper.

  1. In 1-2 sentences summarize the novella in respect to my topic.

  2. Respond to each research question in 1-2 sentences, summarizing the result.

  3. Redefine thesis based on the research I’ve conducted.

  4. I will identify possible questions for further research.