Need help in my community policing class

After you have reviewed chapter10, write a persuasive argument (paper) regarding the following: Which do you feel merits the most attention from community policing: concerns about disorder, fear of crime, or crime itself? 

Your response should be saved in Microsoft Word format and submitted as a file attachment.  Any work submitted via the comments section will not be graded (zero will be entered).  Your work should include your name, class identification, for example, Jane Doe, CJC122 Community Policing. 

All of your work should be written with proper English, grammar, style, spelling, punctuation, and include all sources.  There is not a set page length for this assignment.  Be sure that you answer all of the questions to receive a passing grade.  Your work should be in written following APA guidelines.  You do not need to include a cover page, abstract or summary page