Now that you have a more thorough understanding of quantitative methods (i.e., descriptive statistics, correlations, other statistical tests), which do you believe holds more promise to the Management

CLASSIC PAPER Qualitative versus quantitative research Ð balancing cost, yield and feasibility* W B Runciman ........................................................................\ ..................................................... Qual Saf Health Care 2002;11:146±147 I n considering the place of incident monitoring in the overall scheme of things, one is reminded of Peter Ustinov's anecdote about his father who is reported to have enjoyed entertaining the fairer sex; he was ª ...alwaysgalloping, like a daring scout, in the no-man's-land between wit and poor tasteº. 1Promoting incident monitoring to one's scienti®c colleagues is an analogous activity. Like telling a risque story, it can be enjoy- able and may yield unexpected, interesting outcomes; however it is, at least at the moment, only marginally respectable. Despite widespread reservations about its pedi- gree, incident monitoring is classical qualitative research, with attributes and limitations which are familiar to social scientists. Many biomedical scientists dismiss activities which cannot capture a numerator and a denominator, but in doing so, may constrain their horizons and limit the scope of their research. Indeed, some of our colleagues sim- ply sit back and enjoy the status quo, comfortable with conventional dogma and the knowledge that it cannot easily be challenged using conventional quantitative techniques. Quantitative methods have been the mainstay of traditional biomedical research. There is no doubt that the ªgold standardº for establishing the ef®cacy or applicability of a treatment or technique is a randomized, prospective, double blind study; ideally, all new forms of medical treatment and, indeed, all existing forms, should be subjected to such scrutiny. However, there are frequently great dif®culties pursuing this courseÐlogistic, political, ®nancial and ethical.

Studies may be carried out using quantitative methods of less rigour, but the possibility of erro- neous conclusions increases the further one moves from the classical prospective study. All too often, nothing is done at all, with the result that much of our professional activity continues to be empirically based. There are some constraints which are peculiar to quantitative research. An a priori hypothesis is required; this may limit the chance of a truly new ®nding. Indeed, Claude Bernard taught that new information usually lay in ªoutliersº of data sets, not in the body of infor- mation substantiating a hypothesis. 2Another dis- advantage is that values must often be reduced to numbers using measurement techniques which may only capture one facet of a multi-faceted phenomenon. However, the main constraint of quantitative research may be that studies of adequate design may be so expensive to set up and dif®cult to run, that nothing at all is done.

Qualitative research has its own set of applica- tions and limitations. It may be particularly useful where problems are ªcomplex, contextual and in¯uenced by the interaction of physical, psycho- logical and social factorsº 2; it would thus seem well suited to probing the complex factors behind human error and system failure. Unconstrained by the need to reduce the data to a set of numbers, qualitative research may allow phenomena to be studied from more perspectives and in greater depth; it may also allow studies to be more easily carried out in a normal environment and during routine work. In this sense, qualitative research lends itself to a naturalistic approach.

Data collection methods include observation, inter- views, focus groups, questionnaires, narratives and video- and audio-tape recordings. 3 The incident reporting study described in this symposium exploited several of the advantages inherent to qualitative research. Its overall struc- ture was relatively unconstrained as anaesthetists were asked to report ªany unintended incident which did, or could have reduced the safety mar- gin for a patientº. It used a questionnaire with both unstructured (free narrative) and structured components (to reliably ®nd out, for example, which monitors were in use). The data were then classi®ed according to the task in hand (e.g.

de®ning the role of monitors, testing the validity of an algorithm). Established methods were used to test reliability and validity, e.g. inter-observer reliability, concurrent validity (where one method of research yields similar results to another) and construct validity (such that observations are consistent with current theory). 3±5 ªGood qualitative research should give answers which are plausible, ®t other evidence that we are aware of, be convincing, and should have the power to change practice.º 3The incident monitor- ing study reported in this symposium provides a comprehensive qualitative picture of current clini- cal anaesthetic practice, and is a powerful tool for ªcontinuous quality improvementº at ªgrass- rootsº level. Its use is entirely consistent with the philosophy of ªkaizenºÐªcontinuous improve- ment involving the entire system and everyone in itº. Indeed, it has been suggested that attention to continuous improvements in process rather than a preoccupation with objective evidence of improve- ments in outcome may be the main difference between the successful Japanese model and the less successful ªWesternº one. 6There are many improvements which can be made to the ªprocessº of the anaesthesia ªsystemº which eliminate potentially dangerous situations at nominal cost.

Examples include changing the size of connectors .................................................

*This is a reprint of a paper that appeared in Anaesthesia and Intensive Care , October 1993, Volume 21, pages 502±5. .......................

Correspondence to:

Professor W B Runciman, Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, Royal Adelaide Hospital, North Terrace, Adelaide, South Australia 5000; [email protected] ....................... 146 to prevent tubes being joined in dangerous con®gurations, vali- dating crisis management algorithms, re®ning check-lists, detecting and correcting de®ciencies in practice, and adding additional sequences to the tasks that should be carried out during equipment maintenance. 7 However, incident reporting cannot provide information with which to compare one individual or one institution with another; indeed, if it could it is likely that the quantity and quality of reporting would be adversely effected. At the moment, most of the ªquantitativeº systems in place cannot do this either. The variability in referral patterns and casemix will require expensive and potentially distorting ªcorrection factorsº to allow valid comparisons. What to do with those who end up in the ®fth percentile (some of whom would be there by chance) does not appear to have been addressed. It would seem more suitable to direct one's attention to the entire system, allowing a qualitative rather than a quantitative approach. Qualitative research usually starts with observations which, when categorised, may suggest the formulation of theories and hypotheses, whereas quantitative research uses measure- ments to prove or disprove existing hypotheses. The two approaches are complementary; good qualitative research may be necessary before a prospective study can be designed which has a high probability of having adequate statistical power. Let us address the relative merits of quantitative and qualita- tive research by examining the contribution of each approach to the dif®cult question of whether one can justify the use of pulse oximetry for every patient undergoing anaesthesia. The use of pulse oximetry was prospectively randomized for 20 802 patients. 89 Because no signi®cant differences were shown between the groups with and without oximeters for cer- tain ªoutcomesº, it was concluded by some observers that either pulse oximeters lacked ef®cacy or that the sample size was too small 10; however, signi®cant differences were shown for the detection of hypoxaemia, hypoventilation, endobronchial intu- bation and myocardial ischaemia, with a trend towards fewer cardiac arrests. 9Had the information published in this symposium been available at the time of designing this study, considerable time and effort could have been saved. Firstly, the ªoutcomesº chosen would not intuitively be expected to have been in¯uenced by the use of pulse oximetry, with the possible exceptions of cardiac arrest, postoperative coma and myocardial infarction, for which it was acknowledged the sample size was too small. 9Secondly, incident monitoring yielded identical con- clusions: with oximetry, signi®cantly more cases were detected with hypoxaemia, endobronchial intubation, myocardial ischae- mia and hypoventilation (when other ªdisconnectº monitors were not used) and there was a strong trend towards fewer full cardiac arrests under general anaesthesia (p=0.018). 4 Both studies have virtually identical messages for the prac- tising anaesthetist, but neither provides outcome ®gures justi- fying oximetry that would satisfy the doctrinaire quantitative biomedical scientist. However, I would argue that suf®cient evidence has been provided to justify the strong recommen- dation for all anaesthetists in Australia and New Zealand to use oximetry for every case. Problems with the airway, ventilation and endotracheal tubes which lead to hypoxaemia and hypoventilation have been responsible for at least one third of preventative deaths and cases of brain damage over the last few decades 11±13 ; oximetry indisputably detects these far earlier. 9±14 Oximetry could have prevented one third of the deaths attributable to anaesthesia in our incident monitoring study (excluding surgical deaths due to uncontrolled bleeding). 15If we accept the preoximetry ®gure of one death solely attributable to anaesthesia for each 26 000 cases as being representative of Australian practice, 16then oximetry should prevent one anaesthetic death for each 78 000 cases.

Pulse oximetry seems to have reliably picked up desaturation in well over 90% of the cases in which it was used, 14so let us assume it would prevent one death for each 100 000 cases. To provide an oximeter from before induction until discharge from the recovery ward would cost no more than $2 per patient; each life saved would thus cost about $200 000.

Taxpayer funded road improvements are generally considered pro®table up to a cost of $1.6 million per life saved 17; this translates to purchasing ªquality-adjusted life yearsº for an amount equivalent to many of the more expensive treatments in our hospitals ($30 000 to $60 000). 18Oximetry would seem to save lives at one eighth of this cost. The cost of brain dam- age, which results in greater insurance payouts than death, 13 has not been addressed. A payout of $2.3 million was awarded recently in Australia for a case in which hypoxic brain damage followed a ventilator problem. 19 When one considers the many other advantages of pulse oximetry and the fact that no value has been placed in these calculations on the peace of mind of the anaesthetist, on the quality of practice, on its utility as a teaching tool and on sequelae other than death, then a strong recommendation for the routine use of pulse oximetry in Australia and New Zealand would seem to be thoroughly justi®ed (particularly at less than $2 per case). 14 Quantitative and qualitative research are complementary; each provided the same information in the example chosen above. The quantitative study was a bold inititiative which also provided the incidence of various events and outcomes, but at a cost far greater than the qualitative study reported in this symposium. Incident monitoring is easy and cheap to implement and provides a wealth of information not only about oximetry, but the entire system. It can also provide a continuous monitor of how the system is changing in response to the implementation of strategies for improve- ment. I would argue that it represents good value for money when trying to balance cost, yield and feasibilityÐ considerations of vital importance in an era of ®nite budgets and ever-expanding possibilities. 20 21 REFERENCES1 Ustinov P . Dear Me . London: Heinemann, London, 1978: 33.

2 Bernard C . An introduction to the study of experimental medicine (translated by Green HC). New York: Dover Publications, 1985.

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