To enhance the security of information systems, enterprises are developing and adopting information system management systems. However, if an information management system is exploited, applications a

To enhance the security of information systems, enterprises are developing and adopting information system management systems. However, if an information management system is exploited, applications and the data they contain will be compromised. Therefore, it is important to perform comprehensive threat modeling throughout the enterprise.

In your own words explain (a) what is threat modeling, and (b) why it is important for an enterprise to address threat modeling extensively. Please state your answer in a 1-2 page paper in APA format.  Include citations and sources in APA style.


rading Criteria Assignments

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Meets or exceeds established assignment criteria


Demonstrates an understanding of lesson concepts


Clearly presents well-reasoned ideas and concepts


Uses proper mechanics, punctuation, sentence structure, spelling and APA structure.

