Role is family Nurse Practitioner. paper is included that have the question needed to be answered Based on the AP role of the person that you interviewed in W1 Project, in a 3- to 5-page paper (exclud

RUNNING HEAD: Advance Nursing Role

Advanced Nursing Role

Lorna Edwards

South University

The development of nursing and the increased complexity of nursing care have changed the role of the nurse to adapt to the specific health needs of the population. A new position has emerged, that of the nurse in advanced practice. It was first in the United States that the principle of advanced training for nurses came into being. It was early in the United States that the principle of advanced training for nurses came into being. By the late 1800s, nurse anesthetists were receiving a six-month training at the Mayo Clinic; these were responsible for administering chloroform during anesthesia and monitoring the general condition of the patient. During those same years, specialization in psychiatric care was also instituted in Massachusetts to provide patients with more humane care (Sheer & Wong,2011). The two world wars and the war in Vietnam have promoted and supported the advanced role of some nurses, including anesthetics and midwifery nurses. These specializations continued during the 20th century, and new specialties were brought to the level of higher studies.

Since then, some titles have disappeared, and others have surfaced, such as clinical nurse specialists and nurse practitioners, in response to the increasingly complex health needs of the population. Initially, these nurses were assigned the care required by an underprivileged and underserved population in both rural and urban areas, and the expanded role was intimately tied to this state of affairs. The credibility of the position has increased through the establishment of master's and even doctoral level education programs. The development and use of the advanced practice is a fact now recognized worldwide (Sheer & Wong,2011). However, some resistance to this expanded role has come and is still coming not only from doctors but also from nurses themselves. Indeed, relationships with other health care workers, as well as role ambiguity, have been identified as factors that may facilitate or constrain the implementation of the role.

Nowadays, advanced practice nurses work in primary and tertiary care settings, with different titles depending on the care setting. In the United States, advanced practice nurses include clinical nurse specialists, specialized anesthetist nurses, certified midwifery nurses, and nurse practitioners. They work in a wide range of settings, from community health to specialized care settings such as emergency care, oncology, genetics, endoscopic care.

According to Reeves et al. (2017), advanced practice nurses must have both personal attributes and secure clinical experience. Knowledge is, therefore, associated with "caring," communication, and interpersonal relationships. This nurse can perform several functions inherent in the title: direct care, consultation, education, management, research. This advanced practice role, however, has some challenges such as ambiguous or vague job descriptions when hiring, the addition of non-role-specific tasks, the difficulty of working in full collaboration with other health care workers, and the lack of adequate role models or mentors in the workplace.

Family Nurse Practitioner

A specialized nurse practitioner has a postgraduate education to provide nursing and medical care to people of all ages who have physical health and/or mental health needs. In addition to the activities specific to its profession, the IPSPL may perform five (5) additional activities usually reserved for physicians:

  • Prescription of drugs and other substances;

  • The order of diagnostic tests;

  • Prescription of medical treatments;

  • The use of invasive diagnostic techniques or those presenting a risk of injury;

  • The use of methods or the application of invasive medical procedures or present risks of injury.

The nurse practitioner works closely with family physicians. If the clinical condition of the patient exceeds his or her skills (patient who does not respond to treatment, for example), it requires the intervention of the doctor partner to always offer the best health options to the patient.

Clinical role other roles

Family Nurse Practitioners provide specialized nursing care to specific populations. They play a leading role in developing clinical guidelines and protocols, advocating for the use of evidence, providing expert support and advice, and facilitating change in the system. These are health professionals who treat the whole person: they deal with physical and mental health needs, they collect family history information, they focus on how the disease affects the daily life of the patient and family and provides tips for living a healthy lifestyle and managing chronic disease. The nurse practitioner is an educator and researcher that other members of the health care team can consult.

Collaboration and consultations

Consultation refers to the sharing of information with healthcare practitioners in a multidisciplinary team or with professionals with equal status. Supervision is a continuous act, and it is intended to ensure that the nursing team is working to their full potential. Collaboration, on the other hand, is performed when needed, and it is an exchange of information with other healthcare practitioners for a limited period and at any point of care. The nursing graduates are trained for bot supervision and collaboration. However, nurses use their supervisory role at all times by discussing an in-depth analysis of their patients with their supervisor and physician. Nurses do not readily perform collaboration, and they are not continuously engaged with the multidisciplinary healthcare team at all times, which serves as a hurdle in an effective care delivery among complex patients.

An open discussion with members of the same discipline and with the healthcare team belonging to different disciplines comes under the umbrella of consultation.

Interview with Johan Joseph, who works as a family nurse practitioner working with migrants population in South Florida and will be interv

iewed on Saturday, October 26th, 2019 at her residence

1. How long you been practicing as a Nurse practitioner

2. What have been the biggest obstacles that you had to overcome as FNP

3. Do you think that you are valued as NP

4. how hard has it been to balance family life with the demands of your role as NP

5. Should NP be able to practice without having a physician present or a contract?

6. What steps you think that nurse can take to advocate for more autonomy as a Nurse Practitioner.

7. How many patients do you see in a day>

8. Do you think that is too many patients or too little

9. how is the care you provided differently than that of a physician

10. what advice would you give someone who is looking into the path of becoming an NP>


Buppert, C. (2014). Nurse practitioner's business practice and legal guide. Jones & Bartlett Publishers.

Reeves, S., Pelone, F., Harrison, R., Goldman, J., & Zwarenstein, M. (2017). Interprofessional collaboration to improve professional practice and healthcare outcomes. The Cochrane Library.

Sheer, B., & Wong, F. K. Y. (2011). Evolution or Revolution: Can Advanced Practice Nurses

Alter the Future of Health Care? Pflege, 24(1), 3–6. DOI: 10.1024/1012-5302/a000085