Instructions A Letter from Boston Place yourself (same age, family situation, and relative occupation) in early 1770s Boston. You are inspired to write a letter to someone (family, friend, co-worker,

A Letter from Boston

Jane Doe

Columbia Southern University

HY 1110 Unit III Reflection Paper

Dear Husband,

Since taking this assignment, I have been filled with fear and anger. I hope that you and the kids are doing well. Every day I have been meaning to write you all. Boston has not turned out the way that I thought it would. You and the kids will need to wait just a little while longer. I miss you all so much, but I haven’t been able to find us a place to stay. The war has taken over our lives here and the soldiers our homes.

The Stamp Act has caused the British to boycott all British imports. Along, with all this King George is taxing the people. Rioting being because families can’t provide due to the taxes. Everyone fears for there lives and only a few colonists are trying to fight back. The Sons and Daughters of Liberty are fighting back against the British claiming this is unlawful. The tax money is being used to take care of the soldiers. We are blessed that as the Sons are fighting the violent battle. The Daughters are making goods to help us. The tax money from this act is going towards taking care of the soldiers as our family’s struggle.

The Stamp Act isn’t the only act causing us issues. There is now the Townshend Acts which is causing much a problem among the colonies and British control. Revenues are being raised to pay salaries and finding more ways to impose compliance trade. Since New York isn’t complying with yet another one of their acts they are being penalized. This act is called the Quartering Act which means letting the soldiers stay in your home. Oh, so many acts, but none to help us starving and near homelessness. The British are establishing that they have a right to tax the colonies. The Stamp Act isn’t working and there are still imports that we need. I don’t know how much longer we will be able to fight this madness. There is no way to predict what will happen next, but I will be strong. There must be some light into this darkness. We need a new nation with new ideas. To help the colonists and not others. I pray and wait for the day we can be united again as a family. Pray for the colonist and I as we put up a good fight.

Love you all,

Tenikie Johnson