Simon Sinek theorizes that inspirational leaders communicate “from the inside out.”  That is, they are able to convey a WHY that inspires desired behavior in others. 1.  View

Mercy Health Services Mission and Values

Adopted by the Board of Trustees April 21, 2010


Like the Sisters of Mercy before us, we witness God’s healing love for all people by providing excellent clinical and residential services within a community of compassionate care.


DIGNITYWe celebrate the inherent value of each person as created in the image of God. We respond to the needs of the whole person in health, sickness and dying.

HOSPITALITYFrom many religious traditions and walks of life, we welcome one another as children of the same God, whose mercy we know through the warmth, fidelity and generosity of others.

JUSTICE We base our relationships with all people on fairness, equality and integrity. We stand especially committed to persons who are poor or vulnerable.

EXCELLENCE – We hold ourselves to the highest standards of care, and to serving all with courtesy, respect and compassion. Maintaining our involvement in the education of physicians and other healthcare professionals is a priority.

STEWARDSHIPWe believe that our world and our lives are sacred gifts which God entrusts to us. We respond to that trust by constantly striving to balance the good of all with the good of each, and through creative and responsible use of all our resources.

PRAYERWe believe that every moment in a person’s journey is holy. Prayer is our response to God’s faithful presence in suffering and in joy, in sickness and in health, in life and in death.