Instructions are attached - I need 1 page only


  1. Use JOHN LOCKE (scientific/enlightenment thinker) for this assignment

  2. Create a 1-page document that graphically illustrates his main beliefs (I will be using the information and transferring it to a Poster)

  3. It must include: 

    1. a symbol to denote poster’s theme; 

    2. a nameplate; (this is just his name (John Locke) listed on the document

    3. Illustration of John Locke (an image from google is fine)(you can label the word document with “IMAGE” if you would like, that way I will know where to put it on my poster – if you do this then there is no need to get an image from google, I will just draw it)

    4. a timeline contextualization of John Locke’s life showing influence on modern thinking;

    5.  descriptions and illustrations (for the illustrations you can just list out what I would need to draw on my poster) for each of 3 of the most important works or ideas and their connections to changes in government or society; 

    6. summary plate of Main Ideas and Beliefs. 

Be Creative. Be Accurate.