1. In order to interpret the Information Governance Reference Model (IGRM) diagram. It is recommended that we start from the outside of the diagram. Briefly name three (3) components required


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 Three main components are required to successfully conceive a complex set of inter-operable processes as well as implementable procedures and structural elements. The first is the understanding of the business imperatives of the enterprise (Smallwood, 2014). This implies that it must start with an understanding of the goals of the enterprise, which motivate and drive the organization towards a greater future. The second is having knowledge about the appropriate tools and infrastructure required to manage information. the organization should be aware of the areas where investments should be made to ensure the availability of the required tools to help in information management. The third is sensitivity to regulatory as well as legal obligations that the organization must comply (Smallwood, 2014). Successful information governance requires compliance with the law of the land to ensure that the enterprise’s information governance activities and practices do not result in lawsuits.

An enterprise must understand the legal duty attached to every piece of information, including e-discovery, government regulation, and contractual obligations. It is the responsibility of IT organizations to ensure that information is managed in a manner that maintains privacy and security (Smallwood, 2014). All information governance must be based on the understanding that the primary stakeholder of managed information is the business user.


Smallwood, R. F. (2014). Information governance: Concepts, strategies, and best practices. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley & Sons, Inc.


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