Chapter 8 - Information Governance and Legal Functions: According to the authors, Smallwood, Kahn, and Murphy, IG is perhaps one of the functional areas that impact legal functions most. Failure to me

Information Governance is basically a long-term check of what is happening in the company data-wise. One of the most important parts of any kind of corporation or commercial endeavor is the data. It is important to go ahead and make sure we have the correct and the proper data that is needed for the process to function. Information Governance is something that has seen a lot of importance and the rise in its importance has been gradual and steady. With more and more customers becoming aware and looking at what data the company is keeping off them, it is becoming very important to have the client’s faith that the company goes ahead and manages the issue of understanding what kind of data they are dealing with. That means a complete check of what is happening in terms of what kind of customer data is being taken into the company and what is being done to that data. This is a very important part of the whole system as it allows us to make sure that not only that the customer data is safe but also look forward to and make sure that the data of the company itself is also kept safe. The whole system works in tandem with each other. There are definite parts of it that are much more complex and intricate. Information Governance is kind of an overall thing. That means it is something that is a large and over compassing part of the entire thing (Mitchell, 1993). Compared to that the Record management System is a part of it. A subset has been used as a term. It is something that is a part of the entire system and what makes this entire thing much more important is that this is the part that is responsible for going ahead and creating a form of order or a form of system by means of which organization is possible. We will not be able to perform any kind of transactions and neither will be any part of the process.

It is therefore absolutely mandated to go ahead and make sure that the data organization is taken care of. That is exactly where records management comes in. the records management system is something that is a long-term factor. It is what makes this entire thing work. Records management systems are all guided and associated with setting up an organic system in which they went ahead and made sure that the records can be gained when required. The point here is that the records we want them to be in a system where we do not want information to be repeated. The thing is we want the information to be accessible on demand. We should be able to go ahead and actually get the information we want without having to make sure that we are groveling in the system for hours. Another point is that when we have a certain number of repeats of the same kind of information it can be very taxing on the memory space. It does not matter when the records are in the hundreds or thousands, but it does matter when the records spread to be across and in the tens of thousands. All of these issues and more are exactly what is looked over and checked by the whole system in an attempt to go ahead and make them all work together (Russell, & Rowlands, 1983).


Mitchell, J. (1993). Information Technology and Health Information Management. Australian Medical Record-Journal, 23(3), 83-84.

Russell, A., & Rowlands, G. (1983). COSREEL: computerized recording system for herd health information management. Veterinary Record, 112(9), 189-193.