critique article

Article Critique - Qualitative Article

For this assignment, briefly summarize and evaluate the research article (short name - Geriatric Education in the Health Professions). A link to the full article has been provided -  Bardach & Rowles, 2012 - Geriatric Education in the Health Professions - Are We Making Progress.pdf Bardach & Rowles, 2012 - Geriatric Education in the Health Professions - Are We Making Progress.pdf - Alternative Formats


The assignment has two sections/parts – summary/overview and critique. For the summary section, provide a brief overview of the article. Minimize the use of direct quotes (or simply cutting and pasting portions of the article) for the summary/overview.

For the critique section, evaluate the article using the following guidelines.

P.S: Your responses should be in narrative form. Do not simply write “Yes” or “No” in response to the questions/prompts.

Statement of the research problem

    • In your view, do the authors provide a good/reasonable justification for the study? Don’t just say yes or no. Briefly, provide a reason for your response (Approximately 150 words)

Literature review

    • Is the literature that was reviewed relevant to the topic/research question?

    • Were the sources of literature too old or more recent?

Methodological  Plan

    • How were participants for the study sampled (selected)?

    • How many participants were involved in the study?

    • Was demographic information available on these participants?

Is the following information available?

    • How was the data collected? Who collected the data?

    • How was the data analyzed? Is the specific method/approach stated and explained?


    • Do the authors address the issue of trustworthiness/authenticity?

    • Specifically, what measures (or strategies) did the authors use to establish the trustworthiness or the authenticity of their study?

    • Is the researcher(s) role (or positionality) discussed?


    • Were the findings adequately supported with quotes from the participants?

    • Were ethical issues/considerations addressed?

Statement of Limitations

Do the authors discuss the limitations of the study? Briefly, what do they say? (Approximately 150 words)