Hi, i need help on my assessment please see the attached file.

CIS 1103 Project


Computer Information Science

Due Date


Bachelor of Information Technology


CIS 1103 Hardware and Networking

Instructions to Students

  1. You need to work on group of 3 or 4 students.

  2. All group members need to work equally

  3. You need to submit two files, Project Report (docx) and Project Implementation (pkt)

  4. Each project group member need to sit for an oral defense.

Academic Honesty Statement

In accordance with HCT policy LP201- Academic Honesty

Students are required to refrain from all forms of academic dishonesty as defined and explained in HCT procedures and directions from HCT personnel.

A student found guilty of having committed acts of academic dishonesty may be subject to one or more of the disciplinary measures as outlined in Article 33 of the Student and Academic Regulations.

إفادة الأمانة الأكاديمية

وفقًا لسياسة كليات التقنية العليا - LP201 الأمانة الأكاديمية

يُطلب من الطلبة الامتناع عن كافة أشكال سوء الأمانة الأكاديمية، كما هو مبيّن وموضح في السياسات والإجراءات الخاصة بكليات التقنية العليا، والتوجيهات الصادرة من موظفي الكليات.

في حالة ارتكاب الطالب أي شكل من أشكال سوء الأمانة الأكاديمية سوف يتعرض الى واحد أو أكثر من التدابير التأديبية على النحو المبين في المادة 33 من الأنظمة الأكاديمية.

Signature: _____________________________________________

Student Name: _______________________________________ID ________________

Student Name: _______________________________________ID ________________

Student Name: _______________________________________ID ________________

Student Name: _______________________________________ID ________________

For Examiner’s Use Only







Marks Allocated



Marks Obtained


  • Understand the steps involved in planning and implementing a technical solution for a small business.

  • Gather relevant information to help plan a technical solution to a problem.

  • Plan a technical solution for a medium size network environment.

  • Prototype a proposed technical solution using Packet Tracer.

  • Plan the installation of a technical solution for a medium business environment.

  • Prepare and present a technical report to a diverse group.

  • Configure a Wire and Wireless LAN to support the requirements of a small business environment.


Please read the following instructions:

  • The weight of the Project is 25%.

  • Project should be finished and submitted no later than (01-12-2019).

  • Your project report should reflect your virtual network design (using Packet Tracer)

  • Your project report should be descriptive and arranged in a neat, readable and understandable format.

  • Check your report against grammatical language errors before submission.

  • All members of the group expected to work equally on the project.

Project Tasks

Select an existing medium size organization located in the UAE (100 to 500 employees). Assume that the organization needs to connect computers and network devices in three buildings. You are hired by the organization to design and implement an enterprise network for the organization. The enterprise network should serve all the organization employees who are located in the three buildings. The Organization network should be connected to the Internet to enable sending and receiving packets from outside the organization. You will be required to gather information that would help you to better plan the network. You are also required to design a network for the organization. Following are the tasks you need to complete:

Report (25%)

Task 1: Background of the Client (5%)

The organization information that include:

  1. the name of the organization,

  2. the location of the organization,

  3. What does the organization do? Line of business (education, manufacturing, etc.)

  4. the name of organization departments

  5. the number of employees in each department

Task 2: Networking Requirements (6%)

What networking devices are required? Routers, switches, access points.

How many of each?

Information and specifications of each

Information should include:

    1. the name of the networking hardware,

    2. Purpose of hardware

    3. the unit price,

    4. the quantity, and

    5. the total price (note: do not include network cables)

    6. Website URL link

Task 3: IP addressing Scheme (10%)

  1. You need to make decisions about a suitable IP addresses class to provide enough IP addresses for the hosts. (The IP class and the range of the IP addresses should be based on the company size).

  2. Where are you going to use static and where are you going to use dynamic IP addressing

  3. DHCP Server configurations

Task 4: Security Considerations (4%)

  1. Research the security threats and recommend security measures and policies to minimize the security threats.

  1. You also need to plan and configure wireless security measures, you need to plan the following wireless security settings:

  • SSID (organization name)

  • Security mode (to the most secured option)

  • Any other security measures.

Implementation (25%)

Task 5: Physical and Logical Network Design

    1. Choose proper network topologies (i.e. Bus, Star, Ring, Mesh, wireless). Plan the physical layout of all equipment.

    2. Design secure wired and wireless networks that provides coverage to all needed end user devices and mobile users across the organization.

  1. Use the packet tracer to implement the solution based on the network design. Provide print screen showing all evidence.

Task 6: Oral Defense / Interview (50%)

Individual knowledge will be assessed through Oral Defense/ Interview. Your teacher will ask questions during the Oral Defense/ Interview to assess the knowledge of students and discuss the technical solution proposed.


Group Submission:

  1. Project report (MS Word). Name the file as CIS 1103 Project 201910-Your Names – Your IDs and Section (25%)

  2. Project Configurations (Packet Tracer File). Name the file as CIS 1103 Project 201910-Your Names – Your IDs and Section. (25%)


  1. Project Presentation\Oral (50%)

Project Phases

You need to show your teacher your progress in the project. The suggested project phases are as the following:

Phase One



Phase Two

(Virtual implementation)

By Thursday 21 Nov

Phase Three

(Complete Project)

By: Thursday 28 Nov

Project Presentation\Oral

  • Background of the client

  • HW and SW Requirements

  • Topology Plan

  • IP addresses Plan

  • Security settings Plan

  • LANs Topologies

  • Hardware connections

  • Wired and Wireless settings

  • DHCP settings

  • MS Word Report

  • Packet Tracer File

Project Presentation/Oral

Group Evaluation

Group Evaluation

Group Evaluation

Individual Evaluation

See also the below table for more details about the tasks that need to be performed.



Virtual Implementation Task

Table/ Figure No

Screen Capture


Included in the Report

Information about your chosen organization, size, location, role and departments.

Table 1

Network topologies drawing with labeling the networking hardware.

Figure 1

Description of the networking hardware used in the LAN.

Table 2

The network address and IP addresses ranges.

Table 3

The Wired and Wireless settings.

Description of five most common security threat and security measures.

Table 4

Note: Use the below tables to fill-in and include in the Project Report

Tables and Diagrams

Use the below tables templates for Project Reports.

Table1: Organization Information

Organization Name

Organization Information

Table 2: Networking Hardware




Price Per Unit

Sub Total

Website URL Link


Table 3: IP addresses Plan

Hardware Device/s

IP Address/ pool

Subnet Mark

Static/ Dynamic

IP Address Class

Justification of IP Addressing

Table 4: Security Threats

Security Threat

Security measures to reduce the risk

Figure 1: Network Topologies (screen capture from Packet Tracer)

Figure 1: Network Topologies

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