Mini research paper (3 pages) from Intro to phycology class

Psychology 101: Mini Research Papers You will be required to write a short report on a mental illness d uring the course of the semester to further delve into the field of psychology. Think of this assignment like a mini research paper. This is a chance for you to become more familiar with finding, reading, and synthesizing psychological research. Your first job is to pick any of the psychological disorders acknowledged by the DSM. You can find a pretty comprehensive list on our Canvas site under the module for “research paper”. Make sure you can find enough research on your topic before moving forward with the paper – some of these disorders may be harder to find research on than others. Once you decide on a disorder, you will go Citrus College ’s library database and search for a minimum of two relevant academic journal articles that address your topic. You’ll need at least one that discusses causes (etiology) and one that discusses treatment. Your job in this paper is to give a brief overview of the highlights of this disorder – what are the symptoms, causes, treatments, and outlook (how likely it is to recover; will they need treatment forever; is there a cure, etc.). You will need to incorporate information from your scientific journal arti cles into the general information about your disorder. Research: The article s you will be looking for will be found in reputable journals from the field of psychology. These are research reports (not a book review, letter to the editor, opinion articles , etc.) that discuss the findings of psychological studies/experiments. You can recognize this type of article by looking for sections titled “Method”, “Results”, and “Discussion”. The articles you pick should be recent (from 2000 on) and from reputable journals such as (but not limited to): Development Psychology Health Psychology Journal of Applied Psychology Journal of Abnormal Psychology Journal of Experimental Social Psychology Journal of Personality Journal of Counseling Psychology Journal o f Educational Psychology Memory and Cognition Perceptual and Motor Skills Psychological Report Psychology and Aging Magazine articles are not acceptable (ex: Psychology Today). The easiest way to locate these articles is by using the online Citru s College library, accessible through the college’s homepage. Follow these instructions to access them: Go to Click on library Sign in to your library account Click on “Databases” Click on “EBSCO – select multiple databases” (upper right side of screen) The “Choose Databases” page should be displayed Click the box for “Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Colle ction” Uncheck the box for “ebooks” > continue Make sure the boxes labeled ‘Full Text’ and ‘Scholarly Journals’ are checked Type your topic in the search field at the top and begin looking! * You may need to try changing the wording around a bit to get the results you want. For example, if your topic is hoarding, you may try “hoarding”, “causes of hoarding”, “the rapy for hoarding”, etc. and get different results each time. APA Format: These papers must be in APA format. You may be used to MLA format – that’s the way English classes want you to structure your papers. This is just a different version from the A merican Psychological Association (APA) that is used in most science courses. For the purposes of this assignment, we’re just using the basics here, which means:  3 full pages minimum for full credit (not counting the title and reference page)  Times New Roman – 12 pt.  1” margins all around  double -spaced (no extra spacing between paragraphs)  citations for all quotes/references (this is in the body of your paper, telling the reader where that quote or fact came from)  title and reference page  running head and page # s at top To cite an article in your paper , you’ll put the last name of the author, the date of publication , and page # the quote was on after the quote. ie: “Children are highly suggestible to the pressure of leading questions” (Smith, 2009 , p.127 ). Notice the period for the sentence goes after the citation. You can use partial quotes as well: ie: Current research has shown that kids are “highly suggestible to the pressure of leading questions” (Smith, 2009 , p.127 ). You can also reference t he article if you are using your own words like this: ie: Research has proved that kids are suggestible when it comes to questions that lead them to a certain answer (Smith, 2009 , p. 127 ). Notice in that last example that there are no quote marks – this is all in my own words, so I don’t need them. HOWEVER, it was not my idea – I got it from the article – so I still need to cite it at the end of the sentence . If you are just paraphrasing something from an article, but not referring to a di rect quote, you do not need to include the page number. How to cite a web page with no author : Reference page : All 33 Chile miners freed in flawless rescue. (2010, October 13). Retrieved from -americas/ Cite in text the first few words of the reference list entry (usually the title) and the year. Use double quotation marks around the title or abbreviated title.: ("All 33 Chile Miners," 2010). Note: Use the full title of the web page if it is short for th e parenthetical citation. You’ll also need to provide a reference page at the end of your paper. In order to see how to structure this, go to 07/ . This website also has a ton of information on and samples of APA style, so any questions should be answered here. I’ve uploaded an APA style guide for your convenience. The librarians are also great sources of guidance , as is the writing center . Don’t forget, you’re always welcome to ask me for help as well.