I need to get help with my media and democracy paper due on November 25, 2019 at 10pm. Instructions attached.

Media and Democracy

Research paper on Paris - Approach must be critical

APA or MLA style, 6 to 8 pages

References, Footnotes where information is found, and Bibliography

Cites to use for the Paper:

  • CPJ – Committee to Protect Journalist

  • Reporters with Borders

  • Freedom House – Monitor Political System

Intellectual Control

The Relationship between Government and Media

Their Legislative

Freedom and the media of the country

When Journalist can be fined

What’s happening in this country?

Historical Reference- How was the situation before? Is it better or worst?

When colonization took place and from who

When there is an election, is the media free to cover the election?

Media and Political Power

Do they have a constitution? Is it similar to the US for Freedom of the Media?

Who owns the media? Is it the Government or Private? Is the media owned by the state? Is it controlled by the state?

Paris has ------ percentage free or own by the state.

How many Journalists were killed?

Is their legal restriction to becoming a Journalist – Publish, Internet, TV, Radio or Book?

If you come up on anything similar to the USA include in paper

Is their freedom in Paris?

Conclude the paper with a prediction.