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Running head: Homicide

Homicide and Health

Adrianna F. Pierson

Chamberlain University

NR222 – Professor Harriett Stephens

November 29, 2019

Homicide and Health

Countless individuals lose their lives annually from injuries and violence. Whether the acts are unintentional or willful, no one is exempt from the risk and effects of such calamities. Injury and violence have a principal influence on the welfare of people and society. Consequently, preventative courses of action are continuously sought after for enhancement and introduction into impacted settings. Specifically, homicide is a very malicious form of violence predominantly impacting the well-being of a specific gender and race and their ability to expand overall health consciousness and expectation. (Haegerich, et al., 2014)

Although homicide occurs less than suicide, statistics also show that men are typically murdered more than women. According to a recent news article published by the American Council on Science and Health, the CDC affirmed homicides to occur four times as more with African Americans versus the average value across the nation. (Berezow, 2017)


Berezow, A. (2017, August 11). African-American Homicide Rate Nearly Quadruple the National Average. Retrieved from

Haegerich, T. M., Dahlberg, L. L., Simon, T. R., Baldwin, G. T., Sleet, D. A., Greenspan, A. I., & Degutis, L. C. (2014, July 5). Prevention of injury and violence in the USA. Retrieved from

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