Chapter 15 Q1: List and discuss the five key characteristics of cloud computing. Chapter 17: Smallwood (2014) discussed that most records are useful for only a short time, but other records may need

NIST identifies the five key characteristics of cloud computing to be on-demand self-service, broad network access, resource pooling, rapid elasticity, and measured service (Smallwood, 2014). However, this is often evolving as new services, features, and technology rapidly becoming an everyday convenience tapping into new industries and solutions not yet dreamed of.

In reality, cloud computing is a complex environment running many diverse applications across multiple networks (Ravanello, A., Desharnais, Villalpando, & Gherbi, 2014). The ability to provide services at any time, virtually anywhere, with resource scalability provides a simplistic solution in theory through a complex back end system structure. The ability to utilize the internet in order to manage and deliver various solutions has become a key strategic approach that is both cost-effective and increasingly mainstream (Kathuria, Khuntia, Saldanha, & Kauffman, 2018).






Kathuria, A., Mann, A., Khuntia, J., Saldanha, T. J. V., & Kauffman, R. J. (2018). A strategic value appropriation path for cloud computing. Journal of management information systems, 35(3), 740–775.

Ravanello, A., Desharnais, J.-M., Bautista Villalpando, L. E., April, A., & Gherbi, A. (2014). Performance measurement for cloud computing applications using ISO 25010 standard characteristics.  2014 joint conference of the international workshop on, joint conference of the international workshop on software measurement and the international conference on software process and product measurement, 41–49

Smallwood, R. F. (2014). Information Governance: Concepts, strategies, and best practices. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley & Sons, Inc.

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