Chapter 15 Q1: List and discuss the five key characteristics of cloud computing. Chapter 17: Smallwood (2014) discussed that most records are useful for only a short time, but other records may need

In order for organizations to create and maintain a long-term data storage plan they must first adopt a data governance program. This would help to identify records that are required for long term storage while reducing the overall requirements in a cost-effective manner simply by removing unneeded or useless data. Further, this would create a position within the company to only save what is needed through a series of checks and balances provided through policy. Data durability is the key component to any long term data storage solution given the notion of software obsolescence (Hilde, 2017).

            Once a DG has been successfully established and records have been identified for the need for long-term storage various steps can be taken to ensure a program that encompasses key traits can be established (Smallwood, 2014). Organizational collaboration with stakeholders to ensure accessibility, buy-in, and responsibility are properly managed. Strategies to control information accessibility, maintenance, and evaluation of technological changes and adaptation as required.


Hilde, v. W. (2007). Long-term preservation and permanent access: How to ensure the long-term reuse value of your digital assets. Journal of digital asset management, 3(2), 102.

Smallwood, R. F. (2014). Information Governance: Concepts, strategies, and best practices. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley & Sons, Inc.