Chapter 15 Q1: List and discuss the five key characteristics of cloud computing. Chapter 17: Smallwood (2014) discussed that most records are useful for only a short time, but other records may need

Organizations encounter numerous challenges in keeping permanent records while addressing the needs of all stakeholders. For that reason, it is imperative to embark on effective strategies of preserving business records for long periods or even enhancing permanent preservation. The management plays a significant role in securing, storing, retrieving, or preserving records permanently. Besides, the top executives formulate effective ways of creating and maintaining evidence of business transactions and activities in the form of records (Smallwood, 2019). It is imperative to consider capacity of reusing information in determining the length of time needed in retaining records. Organizations have to formulate effective ways of preserving records for longer periods of time in order to mitigate risks, promote Governance, and compliance with the existing regulations.

            In the current era of increased business competitiveness, organizations have realized the need of using modern forms of technology in preserving essential records on business activities. Notably, digital preservation is error-free and long-term storage of digital information. For that reason, the involved stakeholders can have an opportunity of retrieving and interpreting business related data for the entire time that they need it (Smallwood, 2019). Arguably, digital preservation applies to digital content and information, which is convertible to digital forms. Currently, organizations can utilize newly-outsourced cloud-based options in order to make digital preservation cost effective and easier.

            Besides, top management can use a combination of strategies, processes, policies, and specialized processes to facilitate access to authentic electronic data. The top executives ought to ensure that all stakeholders have a comprehensive understanding of using the digital forms of keeping business-related records. Importantly, they need to find effective ways of overcoming the numerous issues, such as cyber threats that might affect the information on electronic devices. Although most records are useful for a short period of time, organizations ought to formulate effective ways of preserving records for longer periods.



Smallwood, R. F. (2019). Information governance: Concepts, strategies and best practices. John Wiley & Sons.