Need presentation by using this two files 1. Topic 2. Why i choose the topic 3. summary of problem statement 4. Whats the purpose 5. What was your hypothesis 6. Research method 7. Key issues on litera

Running head: RSCH PART 2

RSCH Part 2


Institutional Affiliation


Social media has of late changed the way business activities are conducted. Organizations willing to experience significant transformation in their operations ought to embrace social media in all levels. In this discussion, the benefits and challenges associated with social media usage in business operations will be underpinned. The discussion will identify whether social media promotes organizational operations, and the challenges experienced in its usage. The research employs a descriptive case study to come up with the findings. The purpose of this study is to identify the benefits and challenges of implementing social media in organizational operations and the possible techniques to enhance its effectiveness. The research will employ both qualitative and quantitative research approaches through the descriptive case study design.


The modern world has revolutionized tremendously due to the introduction of social media (Warren, 2016). Businesses nowadays cannot ignore the aspects of social media in their operations as it aids in connecting with customers all over the world. Social media has become a crucial tool in all levels of organizational activities. Statistics on social media in 2019 indicate that almost 45% of the human population uses social media. Additionally, 42% of Twitter users have expectations that a company will respond to their inquiries in an hour (Greenhow & Robelia, 2019). Research further indicates that 71% of people aged between 16-64 years utilize the internet in finding solutions to challenges on various products. Further, 72% of customers who are helped through social media return to the company in the future. 91% of millennials, 78% of Xers and 49% of Baby Boomers use social media. Social media is therefore crucial when it comes to organizational growth and development (Greenhow & Robelia, 2019). The research design that will be used in this study is the descriptive case study. Descriptive case study will ensure that both qualitative and quantitative research methods are employed in the research. Additionally, the design will pave room for utilization of group participants hence detailed examination of the underpin parameters behind the research (Brown, Broderick & Lee, 2017). However, there are various challenges associated with the use of social media among different organizations. The discussion is tailored to underpinning the benefits as well as the challenges associated with social media usage by businesses.

Problem statement

Due to the rise of social media, many organizations have been forced to change their operational strategies for adaptation. Social media has a significant impact on businesses of all types in various ways. It is due to social media that organizations may make their products more personal, converse with their customers in new styles, and further market their brands differently (Brown, Broderick & Lee, 2017). Research on the impact of social media on a business is crucial in finding out the opportunities and threats that social platforms pose to every business. Additionally, this research is crucial in identifying the strategies that a business has to employ to utilize social media effectively in its marketing, customer services, branding, and communication.

Literature review

Brown, Broderick & Lee (2017) conducted a research aiming at studying how people interact on social media platforms. The study involved interviewing social media users as well as communication experts. According to the information collected, many people have turned to social media in marketing, branding and communicating as it is easily accessible, and many people can be reached (Brown, Broderick and Lee, 2017). Social media, therefore, has a significant impact on the effective running of organizational operations. This article is crucial in this research as it pinpoints the effectiveness of social media on business operations.

Constantinides & Fountain (2018) researched marketing issues and theoretical foundations. The major aim of this research was to evaluate the link between the theoretical foundations and the current marketing issues in the digital marketing era. Constantinides & Fountain (2018) found out that digital marketing strategies depend highly on social media for their effectiveness and success. This article is crucial in this research as it explains the essentiality of social media in modern marketing campaigns.

Enders, et al., (2018) researched social networking and how this has affected the modern business operations especially management. Through studies on organizations that use social media on their operations, it was discovered that social networks assume a paramount role in enhancing connections among businesses, employees, and customers. The study focused on Europeans firms that have utilized social media in their business operations (Enders, et al., 2018). This article is important in this research as it explains the importance of social networking in modern business operations.

Gordon (2010) researched the changes that are bound to occur in social media applications of business. True to his research, there have been significant changes in the social media applications of businesses as we now have adverts and business promotions on all social media platforms. The research employed previous studies on the same topic and proceeded to further make predictions that have come to pass. The research is crucial in this discussion as it explains the impacts of social media applications on business and the ways that they have revolutionized with time.

Greenhow & Robelia (2019) researched in 2019 to determine how social media has revolutionized communication. The research utilized real-industrial studies to determine how organizations use social media, and how that has changed their operations. From the study, it was established that social media has advanced organizational communications considerably. The research is paramount in this study as it pinpoints the changes in communication brought by social media (Greenhow and Robelia, 2019).

Hanafizadeh & Behboudi (2012) researched to determine the modern technologies that are used in online marketing promotion and advertising. The authors found out that social media platforms are the most used technologies in modern marketing campaigns. The research is crucial in this discussion as it underpins the impact of social media in shaping modern marketing.

This study was concocted to analyze the social media networks using the NodeXL Analyzing (Hansen, Shneiderman & Smith, 2011). Various social media networks were analyzed and it was discovered that organizations need to come with better strategies to overcome the competition and challenges associated with social media platforms. The research is crucial in this discussion as it comes with suggestions on how organizations can use social media effectively.

Qualman (2013) wrote a whole book on socioeconomics which studies how social moods influence social actions and behavior. The author utilizes social media to determine how it has impacted on the social actions and behavior of people. Businesses that want to understand their consumers socially can borrow from the concepts of Qualman (2013).

Warren (2016) conducted this research to determine how social media is used by the top-performing salespeople. From the research, it was established that social media is crucial when it comes to linking with customers and creating better customer services. The study is paramount as it guides businesses on how they can use social media to promote their products.

Wikström & Ellonen (2012) researched to determine the impacts that social media features have on the organization's print media of online business models. it was determined that social media features significantly affect the organizational print media of online models. The study used real-life organizations to come up with their findings.

Research methods


The research will involve 50 employees and managers from 25 organizations. Each organization will be represented by one manager and an employee. The employees and managers will be chosen randomly in respect to their roles and experiences in the organization. To ensure that the respondents are not forced to contribute to this research, the researcher will explain to them their roles and responsibilities in the data collection process. The research subjects will also be given the chance to ask questions and seek clarifications regarding the research. The respondents will be divided into small groups while and they will be asked to respond to questionnaires and interview questions privately (Mirilovic & Pejin, 2017). My role in this research will be more active as I will be heading other researchers in the process of data collection.


The research design that will be used in this study is the descriptive case study. Descriptive case study will ensure that both qualitative and quantitative research methods are employed in the research. Additionally, the design will pave room for utilization of group participants hence detailed examination of the underpin parameters behind the research (Brown, Broderick & Lee, 2017). The will research apply both qualitative and quantitative methodological approaches. First, interviews involving both managers and employees in organizations that have embraced social media in their operations will be conducted. Additionally, the interviews will also feature some organizations that have not yet embraced social media in their operations. Secondly, observations will also be made while managers and employees are on their daily operations in the business. The observations will be recorded and preserved for analysis. The application of case studies will also be embraced in this research as it they are pivotal in comprehending the real picture of social media usage in business operations. The case studies will feature both big and small businesses to ensure that valid, reliable and applicable data is collected. The case studies will be tailored to answering the research question on the benefits and challenges of social media usage in business operations. Another method that will be utilized in this research is the application of questionnaires. Questionnaires will be utilized in this research based on the research question. The respondents will be asked to complete the questionnaires privately through the supervision of the researcher. The questionnaires will have to be simple and understandable to all to ensure that that the respondents respond to the as appropriate (Harwoodn & Hutchinson, 2018).

Various methods of data analysis will be employed in this case. First, the mean will be applied to determine benefits and challenges of social media in business. Additionally, the mean will be applied to provide a rapid data snapshot (Jervis & Drake, 2014). The reason why the mean will applied in this case is due to its easiness in application and comprehension because the research subjects might not have the statistical knowledge. Secondly, the regression method of data analysis will also be employed in this research. The regression method aims at modeling the relationship between the factors affecting social media usage and performance organizations in the modern world.

Third, the method of the testing hypothesis will alsobe applied in this study (Mirilovi & Pejin, 2017). Hypothesis testing is tailored to determining the impacts of social media on business operations and what can be done to make it better. The results of the hypothesis testing will be considered to be statistically significant as they don’t transpire by chance. Hypothesis testing is a simple technique that gives reliable results (Mirilovi & Pejin, 2017). The fourth method that will be employed in data analysis is the content analysis. The content will be used to identify the impacts of data motto goals when it comes to social media usage in business operations. Content analysis will be effective in analyzing the feedback from the users, interview data as well as analysis of the case studies. The final method that will be used in data analysis is the narrative analysis which focuses on how ideas and stories are communicated in workplace and how social media is applied in their execution (Mirilovi & Pejin, 2017).

The research will utilize five literature sources. The sources will be peer reviewed journal articles and will aid in effective collection of data in this research. The articles will be the guidelines that will shape the process of research hence facilitating the effective collection of information. The sources are as follows;

Weinberg and Pehlivan (2011) conducted research to assess the organizations' spending on social media and how it can be reduced. The study comes up with recommendations on how organizations can cut their social media budgets. The study is crucial in this discussion as it guides the organizations on how to use social media effectively in their operations.

Hanna, Rohm, & Crittenden, (2017) conducted research to determine how social media has advanced the contemporary world. From the study, it was found out that social media has revolutionized the modern economy, and businesses that want to thrive must apply social media in their organizational operations (Hanna, Rohm and Crittenden, 2017). The study is crucial in this discussion as it pinpoints the importance of social media in organizational operations.

Greasley (2018) researched operations management and how they are influenced by social media. Greasley (2018) found out that operations management has been simplified and advanced due to the use of social media. This research is effective in determining in explaining the vitality of social media on operations management.

Correia (2013) conducted a study aiming on advising businesses in the ways that they can use social media to be more successful. Correia (2013) comes with various strategies guided by real-life examples of businesses that have successfully used social media to be more competitive. The study is paramount in this discussion as it outlines how organizations can use social media to be more successful.

Chen, Fay & Wang, (2016) conducted a research to determine the role that social media plays in marketing. Through the use of consumer reviews on social media platforms, Chen, Fay & Wang, (2016) found out that social media assumes a crucial role in augmenting the market campaigns of an organization. From the research, it was established that organizations aiming at thriving in the modern world should have positive consumer reviews on their social media platforms. This study is paramount to this discussion as it explains the importance of social media when it comes to marketing.

Ethical issues

The APA principles of ethics will be followed in this study. Privacy, safety, informed consent, explanation of the research and its application, among other standards will be employed in this study. The challenges that the researcher may face in this research is failure of the subjects to turn up, respondents giving wrong biased answers to the interview questions and budget constraints (Jervis & Drake, 2014). To overcome the challenges, I will have to educate the research subjects on the vitality of the data and the reasons as to why they have to be committed in the whole research process. The budgetary constraints will be addressed by coming up with a budget forecast that will ensure that the resources are well-planned for. The research subjects will take part in the research freely and their needs such as food, health, shelter and safety will be met by the research sponsors while the study will be going on.

Proposal Complimentary Information

The proposal is expected to take 3 months where there will be 3 stages each taking 1 month. The major reason as to why such timelines will be employed is due to their effectiveness in other research studies. The research will commence on February 2019 to April 2019. The table below shows the research timelines and activities:





February 2019

Awareness and acknowledgement (Sampling and training the research respondents).


March 2019

Conduction of the actual research


April 2019

Research analysis, conclusion and recommendations

Budget Projections



Resource Materials






Research experts


Research respondents compensation




The budget has been reached after consulting financial and research experts. The budgetary projects were also reached after the other organizations which have conducted such researchers were consulted.


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