Implementation Plan: Part 2 ATTACHED LAST WEEKS ASSIGNMENT FOR COMPANY REVIEW, AND WORKSHEET IS ATTACHED In Unit IV, you started to create an implementation plan. You selected a company and analyzed t


Starbucks Corporation

The organization that will be reviewed here is Starbucks Corporation. Starbucks is an American coffeehouse chain and a coffee company that was founded in 1971 and is headquartered in Seattle, Washington. Currently, Starbucks operates in over 30,000 sites globally (Hutt, 2016). Starbucks has been experiencing significant growth and development every year, despite the high rate of competition. One of the major reasons as to why Starbucks remains as the best coffee seller is due to the outstanding services it provides to its customers (Hutt, 2016). An organization that wants to achieve significant growth and development must prioritize their customers (Dockery & Knudsen, 2018). In this discussion, the strategy, mission, organizational structure and the goals of Starbucks will be discussed.

What do the strategy, mission, and organizational structure say about the company?

The strategy Starbucks is founded on four pillars which include the provision of “third-place” experience, offering the best coffee quality, expanding the international market while emphasizing the emerging economies, and integrating technology in different organizational processes (Hutt, 2016).. The strategy of Starbucks therefore, shows that the company embraces quality production and excellent customer services and experiences. The mission statement of Starbucks shows that the company prioritizes human relationships and further endeavors to nurture the human spirit. An organization that prioritizes its products and not the customers are bound to fail in the modern business world (Dockery & Knudsen, 2018). Starbucks has a matrix organizational structure that mixes different hybrid features. The structure, therefore, enables Starbucks to intersect among different business components. The structure shows that Starbucks is a big organization that values relations and engagement in all the organizational levels.

What are the positive aspects of the strategy, mission, and organizational structure?

The strategy, mission, and organizational structure of Starbucks portray different positive aspects. The strategy shows that Starbucks embraces technology in the production of high-quality products, which in turn increases customer satisfaction (Butler, 2018). The mission of Starbucks shows that the organization is not only meant to make profits but promote human relations and positive spirits in their operations (Butler, 2018). Therefore, Starbucks upholds human relations which a crucial part of the CSR program. Companies should not only focus on profits but also on other things which improve the entire human race (Dockery & Knudsen, 2018). The structure of Starbucks portrays it to be a company that embraces engagement and employee relations, which are crucial in promoting optimum production and profitability (Dockery & Knudsen, 2018).

What are the company’s short-term and long-term goals?

Starbucks has various short-term goals that must be achieved to promote operational effectiveness in the short run (Butler, 2018). The short-term goals of Starbucks include financing of farmers, hiring more employees, increasing the revenues in the next financial year by not less than 5%, increasing the value of shares by more than 3%, promoting better relations with the employees in the current financial year, increasing the marketing campaigns every month, and improving the strategies of employee motivation after every financial year (Butler, 2018). The short-term goals are crucial in achieving long-term goals. The long-term goals of Starbucks include increasing the website traffic, increasing the community outreach programs, improving the customer services, improving the appreciation of employees, hiring the most qualified staff, extending the CSR program, and making more investments in other locations (Butler, 2018).

What are the ways to improve the strategy, mission, and organizational structure?

There are various ways through which Starbucks can improve its strategy, mission, and organizational structure. First, the organization should strengthen its CSR program for it to have a better strategy and achievement of the mission. Secondly, the company should embrace innovation and inventions as they are crucial in keeping up with technological advancements. Third, Starbucks should promote equality and fair treatment of all employees in all its locations to foster a good public image (Hutt, 2016). Additionally, Starbucks should extend its business operations by making more investments in areas where the likelihood of profits is high. Starbucks should also keep on adjusting its organizational structure to ensure that changes are accommodated effectively. Motivating the employees is also crucial for Starbucks in achieving its mission. Lastly, Starbucks should always prioritize its customers to earn their loyalty (Hutt, 2016).


Butler, L. (2018). Coffee's Dark Secrets: Linguistic Variation in Starbucks and Dunkin Donuts. Lingua Frankly, 4. doi: 10.6017/lf.v4i0.10391

Dockery, D., & Knudsen, L. (2018). Modern business management. [Berkley, CA]: CA Technologies.

Hutt, R. (2016). Reputation on the line: the Starbucks cases. Journal Of Business Strategy, 37(1), 19-26. doi: 10.1108/jbs-11-2014-0134