Please answer attached question with examples, references and answer thoroughly.


a. What are your general feelings about being old?

b. What do you look forward to about getting old?

c. What do you fear about getting old?

d. How, in your estimation, does our society view old people?

e. Where did you get your views about elders?

f. What do you want to learn in this course?

2. Read the essay titled "Introductory Lecture. Summarize the main points and state your reaction to them. Do you agree? Disagree?

3. Read "Cruel Jokes are Everywhere" and "Longevity Has Surged" and state your impressions of both articles.

4. Find an article or research study that illustrates one or more of the three principles of the course. Summarize the contents (no cut and paste) including which concept(s) of the lecture the article illustrates. Provide a link to the article.

1. What does the essay, Treating the Elderly suggest with respect to governmental, economic, attitudinal, and social policy issues?

2. What are the advantages of the “active senior movement”? Is it the answer for all elders? Is it realistic? Are there “downsides”? What are they? How does the active senior movement reflect our current cultural values?

3. What is your response to the statements made about nursing homes? What questions should e be asking about the conditions that have been described in the essay?

4. Read the essay “From Aging to Sage-ing” with a critical eye, and respond to the following questions:

a. What are your first general impressions of the contents?

b. How do you think the elders of your acquaintance would respond to the author’s views? (You might ask them!)

c. Is this an idea that has broad appeal for elders, or would it be accepted by a small group? If so, what are the characteristics, in your view, of the elders who might be most drawn to and benefit from “Sage-ing”?

d.. Given what we have been discussing this week, and your readings about aging, is the conscept of “sage-ing” revolutionary? Why? Why not?

5. Much of the essay on the sociology of aging was written in 2000. Research the policy changes and supportive services and programs that have developed for the aging population since then. Provide at least two examples.

1. Read the essay titled “Loneliness”;

a. What are the objective and subjective factors to help us explain loneliness, specifically among the elderly?

b. What is the connection between feelings of isolation and feelings of loneliness?

2. After reading the essay, “Ageism and Spoiled Identify, explain how these two theories apply to becoming older in America.

3. As a media public relations specialist, you have been contracted by a major TV station to combat stereotypes of the elderly. How would you go about it? Outline your campaign.

4. What is your response to Aunt Flavia? (Read essay “Invisibility: An illustration”) How valid is the perception that the aging are invisible? How does this fact influence elders’  attitudes about society and about themselves?


1. If it is true that most Native Americans elders live on reservations, what are the consequences of this seeming isolation? Are there both advantages and disadvantages? Research the question  (don’t forget to include Native Alaskans)

 2. The preceding information in the essay was written in 1990 with most research dating back to the 80’s. Since the economic level of many reservation dwellers has risen because of revenues from casinos, has the quality of life of elderly Native Americans changed accordingly? Have levels of economic status and care and services improved correspondingly?

3. Analyze the information given about all ethnic groups. Which factors seem to generalize across all groups and which are uniquely “culture specific”?

4. Respond to the following questions:

A. Do you agree with the conclusion in the essay, “Mental Health and the Ethnic Elderly: Myths” that life experiences and psychological social and cultural strengths of individuals play a large role in adaptation to becoming older regardless of ethnicity? If so, what role, then does ethnicity play on the aging experience of ethnic elderly?

B. Do the elders in your ethnic group appear to “fit” the profiles in the essay?

C. What specifically ethnic cultural influences seem to play a significant role in the life of elders of your ethnic group?

5. Given the findings with respect to caregivers, what are your thoughts about the “fatalistic attitude and resignation” of caregivers and their reluctance, therefore, to seek help? Are we, as a society, focusing too much on “making things right”, on alleviating stress as a mental disturbance; or is the “fatalism” in fact, a normal acceptance of “how things are”, i.e., one expected aspect of life?


1. Research any one of the programs mentioned in the essay about the elderly in the U.S.  and determine whether the reality equals the intent in their implementation, availability and design. Summarize the content and ask a question(s) for your classmates based on your data.

2. As an older person, which country would you most want to be a citizen of? Explain.

3. Which of the services provided by other countries would benefit the elderly in the U.S.?

4. In each country, choose one aspect of the care of elders which interest you most. Research a study of or article(s) that elaborate on it. Summarize your findings, comment and provide citations.

5. What do the courses offered by the college and the existence of separate “colleges” for the elderly tell us about China’s view of the elderly?




1. Question:

A. Read and analyze the lecture, End of Life: A Physician’s perspective. What are your general impressions? With what aspects do you agree? Disagree? Explain.

B. Find an article or study which illustrates  (or refutes) any of the points made by Gawande. Summarize the content and post a question from it for your classmates.

2. Read the essay, Nursing Homes.

A. Respond to the attack against assisted living facilities as conceived by Wilson. Were they justified? Explain.

B. A great idea gone bad. Why? How could its demise have been prevented?


Choose a TED video presentation ( related to the broad topic of “aging” that interest you particularly. (Please do not choose a speech/lecture that has already been posted by your classmates).

1. Why does this particular topic interest you?

2. Summarize the content.

3. What were your reactions to the presentation?

4. What did you learn from it?

5. Formulate a question based on the presentation for your classmates.

6. Provide a link to the presentation.

1. You began in Week 1 by stating your views about aging. How have they changed during the last seven weeks? How have they remained the same?

2.  How will the knowledge and insights gained affect your approach to elders?

3.  With regards to your own aging process, what will be most important to you? What can you do now to prepare?

4. What, in this course, made the biggest impressions?