The effects of sitting for long hours working at a computer. The following are negative effects caused by sitting for long hours working at computers: Eye problems- Sitting for long hours working usin




In the recent past there has been a massive rise of digital technology, this has made sitting become the most common position in many places of work, at home and school. Though sitting for long hours may appear good to many people, it has numerous side effects to a person’s health.

Problem definition

The following are negative effects caused by sitting for long hours working at computers:

Eye problems- Sitting for long hours working using computers causes pain, sore or burning sensations in a person’s eye. This is caused by the light emitted by the screen of the computer. The long staring at a computer screen causes eye’s discomfort due to the unusual light. Higher light brightness causes severe eye problems (Kim, Cho, Park, & Yang, 2015).

Weight gain- Sitting while working at computers for long hours without making movement causes obesity and therefore weight gain. This is a result of low calorie burning in the body. Calories in the body are mostly burnt due to vigorous activities done by a person, hence, when a person sits for long without any major body movement or exercise causes low calorie burning hence accumulation of fat in the body cells thus obesity (Parihar, et al., 2016).

Weakened muscles- Muscles require movements in order to maintain their shape and strength. Sitting for long without making any motion loosens and weakens the muscles. This results to a person getting weak, some muscles may also get torn easily upon doing any vigorous activity.

Poor blood circulation- working in one place for long without making some movements or exercise results to poor blood circulation to all parts of the body which is essential to the well-being and functioning of the body. This causes varicose veins, blood clots, swollen ankles and other joints. The blood clots caused by poor blood circulation results to vein thrombosis (a condition in which blood clot occurs deep in the veins of a leg) mostly in a person’s lower body (Kim, Cho, Park, & Yang, 2015).

Heart disease- due to the poor blood circulation in all parts of the body, there results blockage of the arteries in the heart due to the fatty acids hence may cause a heart disease. The fatty acids are as a result of the unburnt fats in the arteries due to low or no movements at all. People working for long hours at computers are likely to suffer this medical condition.

Chronic body pain- The normal state of the body is to keep on moving and executing some movements. Sitting for long hours without moving results to body pains, mostly the back, neck, shoulders and hips due to strains. A person forces the body not to do major movements which is meant to be doing so that he can work for long at one point, as a result, various body parts will definitely show some resistance due to unusual change of movement of the person.

Posture problems- Sitting in one position for long causes a change in a person’s posture. The shoulder and neck stiffen and curves. The spine’s flexibility is lost for it absorbs some pressure. The pelvis rotates in an unusual way, the wrong way. This may also affect a person’s walking style and the way he positions his shoulders. The back may also appear curved due to the curving of the spine (Kim, Cho, Park, & Yang, 2015).

Diabetes- Due to the decreased muscle movements, the muscles become weak and loose mass hence it results to a decreased production of insulin in the body. Low production of insulin in the body causes diabetes. This may rise after a series of sitting for long hours working at computers.

Brain damage- A proper brain functioning is caused by the good blood circulation in the head. Due to the poor blood circulation caused by lack of movement slowly causes brain damage. A person may think that sitting around the whole day would be doing his brain more good but it’s not, it’s actually causing more harm for the brain cannot function properly without the proper supply of oxygen and blood hence brain damage. The reduced blood circulation in the body causes a reduced supply of oxygen and blood in the brain thus it cannot function effectively (Martinez-Ramos, et al., 2015).

Depression and anxiety- A person’s happiness is majorly influenced by the activities he does in a day. Sitting for long hours on a desk may result to anxiety and depression. This comes as a result of not involving in any major activities or movements while working on one stationary position. The body’s movements relieve stress and reduce changes of getting depression. People who sit around the whole day on one position trying to work out at a computer may suffer this medical condition.

Cancer- Lastly, sitting for long hours may cause cancer. The types of cancer that one may suffer from are; lung, colon, breast and uterine cancers. This is mainly as a result of the weight gain over a short time, metabolic dysfunction, inflammation and changes in hormonal balance. Therefore, a person may be slowly getting cancer while comfortably sitting on one position for hours thinking that he is doing any good to himself (Parihar, et al., 2016).

Solution proposal and implementation

The following are ways in which the problem may be solved or reduced.

Take a break- A person working for long hours in one place is supposed to set aside some time and have a break, most preferably after every 30 minutes of work at a computer desk. This will give a chance for the body’s metabolic processes to take place effectively. This will also enable a person to stretch out and allow proper blood circulation to all parts of the brain hence no brain damage, no diabetes, no muscular problems or even heart diseases (Martinez-Ramos, et al., 2015).

Proper positioning of the computer accessories- For a proper working environment, a person should make sure that the computer monitor is put utmost 14 inches from the eyes, the keyboard should be put where it is easily accessible and used without straining or stretching the hands. A person should also make sure that he sits in an upright position forming a right angle with the monitor. One should ensure that the chair is flexible and with arm rests (Kim, Cho, Park, & Yang, 2015).

Regularly change position- A person should always change the sitting posture after a short time of work. This enables the body to function effectively and blood to flow in all parts of the body.

Muscle engagement- Always enable a muscle engagement process to give them strength. This will help decrease the muscle problems hence one can also remain fit all through.

Sit flow swing- people should also make sure that their sits are flexible and that desk workers keep their feet moving thereby encouraging active sitting and active working environment. This will eventually help in burning more calories and therefore, no obesity problems or weight gain.

Sound- Working in a noisy environment is sometimes boring hence people are advised to work under favorable conditions. A cool, smooth and soothing music is good for the proper function of the brain hence a good working atmosphere. Smooth music mostly relieves stress and anxiety hence there will be a reduced depression cases.

Constant stream of activity- A person should involve himself in a series of vigorous activities throughout the day. This would help blood to circulate in all parts of the body without a problem. This would also help reduce stress. This also helps the muscles stretch out and get stronger. It also enables the brain to function properly and hence an improved outcome in both quality and quantity (Parihar, et al., 2016).

Temperature- The degree of coldness or hotness of a place usually determines and affects the general outcome of work. In places of work, people should try to have heat regulators so that they effect any change in weather or the general environment. A slight increase in temperature in times of cold gradually increases output. The same applies when there is extreme sunlight and hence a lot of heat is experienced in the places of work. Reducing the temperature in the room by the introduction of a fan helps improve output and a cool working environment (Martinez-Ramos, et al., 2015).

Tidiness- A place where a person tends to sit the whole day is supposed to be well maintained and kept. This should be done by keeping your monitor, keyboard and C.P.U clean. The desk should also be neat in well ventilated and clean room. This will provide a good working environment. This should be done regularly to get rid of bacteria that may clog and easily grow on these surfaces if mostly the place and the computer is widely shared with different people.

Lastly, a person working for long hours using computers should regularly see the optician for eye check- up. If any slight pain is experienced in the eyes, the person should always not hesitate to see the optician.


When all these recommendations are observed, a person would live a life full of happiness and proud of his work for there will be no computer related problems. All the health related problems caused by computers would definitely reduce by a large margin hence an advantage.

In conclusion, people working for long hours should as much try to follow the above methods for a better and conducive working environment with no infections.


Kim, D., Cho, M., Park, Y., & Yang, Y. (2015). Effect of an exercise program for posture correction on musculoskeletal pain. Journal of physical therapy science.

Martinez-Ramos, E., Martin-Borras, C., Trujjilo, J. M., Gine-Garriga, M., Martin-Cantera, C., Sola-Gonfaus, M., & Beltran, A. M. (2015). Prolonged sitting time: barriers, facilitators and views on change among primary healthcare patients who are overweight or moderately obese.

Parihar, J. K., Jain, V. K., Chaturvedi, P., Kaushik, J., Jain, G., & Parihar, A. K. (2016). Medical journal armed forces syndrome India.