I have posted the guidlenes to do this assignment question paper is attached you just have to find answers for that from the files that I have attached too. assignment 1 guidelines There are many I ha

Assignment 1

Total marks = 50

Name (full name): Student ID:

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Answer the questions below. For multiple choice questions, please make the chosen answer (the entire sentence) BOLD or underlined.

  1. What was the title of the final report issued by WCED that probed the meaning of the term “sustainability” in the context of the global impacts of human actions on the environment?

  1. What are the three dimensions that sustainability seeks to integrate?

  1. Which aspect of sustainability deals with decision making that depends on collective action?

  2. Environmental aspect of sustainability recognizes that:
    a. living systems are interdependent
    b. society and economy depend on ecosystem services
    c. production and consumption of goods and services negatively impact the environment
    d. all of the above
    e. only (b) and (c )

  1. The population of a community is growing at 2% per year and its per capita consumption is growing at 3.5% per year. The community wants the level of impact on the environment to remain unchanged 30 years from now. Using I = P x A x T, calculate what the impact of technology per unit of consumption will have to be in period 30 [T30] relative to the same now [T0].
    Use Xt=X0(1+r) tto project future values, where X0 is the present value, Xt is the future value after t years, and r is the growth rate in fraction (e.g., 1% growth rate means r = 0.01).

  1. Increased consumption that negates part of the efficiency gains is called:
    a. over-consumption
    b. rebound
    c. backfire
    d. none of the above

  2. The notion of “sustainable development” is:
    a. first and foremost a social construct
    b. driven by economic activity
    c. enabled by technology
    d. all of the above

  3. We do not need to worry about food shortage in the face of growing global population because technology will soon allow us to produce synthetic food. This is based on a notion of:
    a. strong sustainability
    b. weak sustainability
    c. increasing eco-efficiency
    d. none of the above

  1. Annual weather cycle is an example of what type of ecosystem service?
    a. provisioning
    b. regulating
    c. formative
    d. cultural

  2. Historic trends of efficiency and consumption in the US show that over the long term:
    a. Consumption is outpaced by efficiency gains
    b. Consumption and efficiency gains move in tandem
    c. Consumption outpaces gains in efficiency
    d. None of the above

  3. As efficiency of resource use increases with technological innovation, consumption of that resource will decline.” Is this statement consistent with the Jevons Paradox?
    a. Yes
    . No

  4. The real application of Jevon’s insights in reducing energy consumption in today’s context would be to:
    a. stop investing in energy efficiency
    b. increase the real cost of energy
    c. both (a) and (b)
    d. none of the above

  1. In 1987, the World Commission on Environment and Development (WECD) published a seminal report called “Our Common Future.” How did this report define “sustainable development?”

  1. When and where was the first World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) held?

  1. Compared to the “Earth Summit,” a much diverse group of organizations, many from developing countries, participated in the WSSD. This suggested that:
    a. Sustainable development can never be achieved in reality due to the diverse and conflicting interests at play
    b. Sustainable development must be planned and implemented by a central authority
    c. There could be new ways of addressing sustainable development other than a top-down approach
    d. None of the above

  2. Inherent in the definition of sustainable development are many sources of conflict. For example:
    a. conflict between the interests of present and future generations
    b. conflict between human well-being and protection of nature
    c. conflict between the needs of rich and poor
    d. all of the above

  3. In the early days of developmental thinking (e.g., in the 1960s):
    a. development was seen in terms of modernization, which in turn, was equated with westernization
    b. it was thought that underdevelopment was an initial stage that the developing countries would have to go through to catch up with the developed world
    c. industrialization through capitalist growth was seen as a central requirement for development
    d. all of the above

  4. The statement that “development and underdevelopment are two sides of the same coin” is implied by which of the following developmental paradigms?
    a. Marxism
    b. Dependency theory
    c. Structural adjustment
    d. None of the above

  5. Developmental thinking in the 1980s had gone through a number of transformations and became broader in scope. For example, it recognized that:
    a. development included both economic and social well being
    b. there was no single model that would work for all countries at different stages of development
    c. development should be more inclusive and support bottom-up initiatives
    d. all of the above

  6. What is likely to occur as worldviews move from being human-centred to more Earth-centred?
    a. intrinsic values will become less important
    b. instrumental values will play a lesser role
    c. wild species will have value only if they are useful to humans
    d. worldviews will become more utilitarian

  1. Which statement reflects the planetary management worldview?
    a. Earth has a limited supply of resources for human use
    b. Human success does not depend on how well people manage Earth’s life-support systems
    c. Humans are in charge of nature
    d. Humans need the Earth, but the Earth does not need humans

  1. Which of the following beliefs reflects a deep ecology position?
    a. Material wealth is worth more than the quality of life
    b. Humans can carry on sustainable growth by improving our pollution-treatment technologies.
    c. All forms of life have inherent value

d. None of the above.

  1. Which claim an ecofeminist is NOT likely to make?
    a. When agricultural societies developed, women lost much of the power they had shared with males
    b. The main cause of the crisis of sustainability is human centeredness
    c. Although women do over half of the world’s work, they receive less than 10% of all wages and own less than 1% of all property
    d. Women do not want to be co-opted into the male power game.

  1. Which strategy is NOT likely to empower people to move toward more responsible environmental actions?
    a. avoiding mental traps that lead to over-analysis and inaction
    b. recognizing that people are to blame for environmental disasters and there is no hope to atone for all the messes
    c. grounding human action in hope
    d. recognizing that there are many alternative paths for making progress

  1. 1980s is often referred to as the lost decade. During this time period:
    a. the developing world experienced wide-spread development reversal
    b. per capita income in Latin America and Africa declined
    c. income inequality worsened
    d. all of the above

  1. Neo-liberalism is an approach to development that involves:
    a. making development fairer and inclusive by supporting the grass-roots initiatives
    b. letting market forces take charge of economic growth
    c. moving away from the socio-economic stance of the conservative parties in the US and UK
    d. both (b) and (c)

  2. Which program of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund allowed them to control the economies of many developing nations?

  1. At the turn of the 20th century, which term became most widely used to explain the causes and effects of most aspects of life?

  2. The development approach that challenges the holds of westernization, defends local groups and initiatives, and resists forces of globalizations has come to be known as:
    a. Post-modern
    b. Post-development
    c. Neo-classical
    d. Alt-left

  3. Which decade marks the emergence of a coherent philosophy and language surrounding the environment?
    a. 2000s
    b. 1990s
    c. 1970s
    d. 1960s

  4. Much of the contemporary debate within sustainable development involves fundamental divergence between two streams of environmentalism, which are:

  1. Self regulation through enlightened conscience is an attribute of which school of environmentalism?
    a. Reformist
    b. Deep green
    c. Dry green
    d. Both (a) and (c)

  2. A number of influential studies published in the 1970s that helped to strengthen the “zero growth” movement included:
    a. The Limits to Growth
    b. Our Common Future
    c. both (a) and (b)
    d. none of the above

  3. When did the development thinkers and policy makers begin to understand and recognize that development needs to be sustainable?
    a. 1990s
    b. 1980s
    c. 1970s
    d. 2000s

  4. While Agenda 21 placed sustainable development at the centre of political debate, it fell short of meeting the expectation of many because:
    a. it primary focused on issues pertaining to global commons that were more amenable to political and technical solutions (a northern priority)
    b. it did not adequately address the linkage between the environment and poverty or environmental justice or inequality
    c. developed countries failed to allocate/deliver sufficient funds to implement A21
    d. all of the above

  5. Which global summit identified for the first time the implications of globalization as principal challenges for the future?

  6. The kind of partnership emanating from the MDG initiatives regarding translating multi-nationally agreed outcomes into concrete actions was called:
    a. global harmonization
    d. multi-lateral agreements
    c. global commons initiatives
    d. Type II outcomes

  7. Which of the following is not a Millennium Development Goal?
    a. to halve the proportion of people with income less than US$1/day between 1990 and 2015
    b. to reduce the maternal mortality rate by 75% between 1990 and 2015
    c. to integrate the principle of environmental protection into country policies and programs and reverse the loss of environmental qualities to preindustrial states
    d. none of the above

  8. Which environmental world view claims that male-dominated post-agricultural society resulted in violence against nature?

  9. Why was the likely reason for abandoning Biosphere 2 experiment?
    a. Lack of adequate funding
    b. Lack of adequate understanding of how nature provides life-support services
    c. Lack of willing volunteers to participate in such long-run experiments
    d. All of the above

  1. What is mean by “voluntary simplicity?” Explain. [2]

  1. Environmental educator David Orr believes that we are becoming more ignorant over time. Explain with two specific examples. [1.5x2=3]

  1. Environmentalists have used various metaphors to describe the degrading state of the environment including “ecological collapse” and “unraveling tapestry.” Which metaphor do you think best describes our current situation and why? Which one is more likely to lead to positive changes? [3+2=5]