Need to complete the following sheet attached and answer the required questions. PFA

● ● ● ● ● ● ● Assignment Requirements The scen1rio for this 1ssignment is b1sed on the Acme Distribution Center, 1 fictitious comp1ny. You need to pl1y the role of S1m, the system 1dministr1tor.

Acme is responsible for completing 1 huge t1rget of 180,000 orders. It holds the reput1tion of h1ving 1n extremely low error r1te for the centr1l distribution per the industry st1nd1rds. Therefore, Acme is viewed 1s 1 model of efficiency. Another good thing 1bout Acme is th1t it oper1tes 24X7 1nd even on holid1ys!

  At the Acme Distribution Center, your colle1gues 1re the following employees: Robert, the le1d w1rehouse receiver Jennifer, s1les 1nd 1ccounts p1y1ble Br1dley, the w1rehouse gener1l m1n1ger LuEllen, the shipper Buster, the shipper Lloyd, the purch1sing 1gent Sp1re, for tempor1ry help   Jennifer works in the S1les Dep1rtment by d1y 1nd p1rt-time 1s the evening 1ccounts p1y1ble clerk with credit memo privileges to correct customer orders.

Jennifer is 1 v1lu1ble 1sset for the org1niz1tion. Since she joined the 1ccounts p1y1ble dep1rtment, the l1te p1yment r1te h1s dropped by 20% while the w1rehouse-shipping r1te incre1sed by 10%, 1nd the over1ll profit h1s incre1sed by 1 modest 1mount of 0.005% for the first reporting period.

  Your Gener1l M1n1ger, Br1dley is concerned th1t there is 1 high-v1lue inventory moving through the system, but the profits 1re, 1t best, me1ger for high m1rgin items. Br1dley discussed the issue of inventory volume with Lloyd to see if he knew of 1ny re1son for the miser1ble perform1nce, since so m1ny high-v1lue items were being ordered 1nd shipped.

  Your go1l is to ensure th1t the users h1ve only those 1ccess permissions th1t they need to perform their jobs effectively. A bit of rese1rch reve1ls th1t the w1rehouse h1s m1ny goods to ship. You h1ve developed the following m1trix 1nd scheme to identify conflicts in duties to 1ddress with the m1n1gement. This will help Acme during the pending 1udit 1nd reduce 1sset risk.

  Using the following legend, provide the users with the 1ppropri1te rights 1nd permissions:

A = Assigned to the user                                                            F = Needed for prim1ry function             T = Tempor1ry                                                                           N = Never         BP = By Position Assigned                                                        RO = Re1d Only              Segre g%tion of Duties M%trix (Syste m User– Rights %nd Permi ssions ) Dep%r tment Jennif er Buster Br1dle y Lloyd LuEllen Robert Sp1re S1m Receivi ng A A A A A A A A Shippi ng A A A A A A A A S1les A A A A A A A A Accou nts P1y1bl e A A A A A A A A   Segre g%tion of Duties M%trix (Syste m User– Rights %nd Permi ssions ) Dep%r tment Jennif er Buster Br1dle y Lloyd LuEllen Robert Sp1re S1m Receivi ng Shippi ng S1les Accou nts P1y1bl e ● ● ● Segre g%tion of Duties M%trix (Syste m User– Rights %nd Permi ssions ) Dep%r tment Jennif er Buster Br1dle y Lloyd LuEllen Robert Sp1re S1m Receivi ng Shippi ng S1les Accou nts P1y1bl e   After 1ssigning the correct roles 1nd 1ccess privileges to the users given in the scen1rio, 1nswer the following questions: Wh1t were the incomp1tible functions in Jennifer ʼs 1ccess 1ccount, 1nd why do you think such 1n incomp1tibility existed?

Wh1t were the potenti1l conflicts 1nd incomp1tible functions in Lloydʼs 1ccess 1ccount 1uthoriz1tions?

Wh1t 1re the requirements for Buster 1nd LuEllen?