Instructions-Research Paper Final Project Now that you have completed the first six assignments, it is time to complete your research project for the course. Include the following sections in your sub


Addressing Sun Coast’s Problems through Research

Columbia Southern University

Literature Review

(Song et al., 2015) are the faculty members of Tsinghua University, Beijing in the school of environment. The author believes that global sustainable remediation has become one of the leading trends in the contaminated land remediation field. Therefore, the main purpose of the study is to develop an effective sustainable remediation assessment indicator applicable in China including all other countries of the world. The tools like correlation and ANOVA have been used in the study for quantitative design research. The study made use of the LCA method applying the indicator to remediation mega-site in China for evaluating the impact over waste, worker safety, local impact, and resources. The study delivers a result that the indicator is appropriate for ensuring green and sustainable remediation. Sun Coast benefits from the study as it could use the same indicator for improving the safety of its workers during their work on the contaminated sites; thus, putting a positive impact on the organization.

(Cappuyns, 2016) is currently working at the Centre for Economics and Corporate Sustainability in Belgium. The study attempts to evaluate the involvement of social aspects in the sustainability assessment of remediation projects. It makes use of decision support tools in the sustainability assessment of remediation project for analyzing the consideration of social aspects in the same tools. The study makes use of the ANOVA & t-test method for its quantitative design research to meet its objectives. The study finding reveals that the level of social factors involved in the relevant indicator is high in terms of human health and safety, neighborhood and locality, ethics, and equality. However, it is low in terms of uncertainty and evidence and specific legislation. The study results are beneficial for Sun Coast as it could make use of the same decision support tool for evaluating the sustainability at their remediation sites to meet its objectives; thus, putting a positive impact on the organization.

(Damalas & Eleftherohorinos, 2011) are the present faculty members of the University of Thrace and the University of Thessaloniki at the Department of Agriculture. The study attempts to evaluate the effective use of pesticides at the remediation sites along with the application of alternative coping systems through regression and correlation method for its quantitative design research. The results of the study provide information regarding the appropriate use of cropping and pesticide utilization at the remediation sites for reducing the adverse impact on human health and the environment. The study carries extreme significance for the Sun Coast as the organization could make use of the same methodology for achieving its health and safety objectives oriented around their employees; thus, putting a positive impact on the organization.

(Tang et al., 2012) are currently the faculty members in the school of environmental science and engineering at Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou. The study attempts to evaluate, compare, and analyze the non-food energy and fiber plants carrying the potential of supplying excessive renewable energy resources and economic benefits at the remediation sites to the organizations. The study makes use of regression and correlation methods for its quantitative design research to evaluate the current options. The study finding reveals the information regarding the soil types, plants, and agronomic activities carrying the potential of boosting economic results for the organization from a remediation site. The study results are valuable for Sun Coast as the company could make use of the same strategies for improving their productivity; while ensuring appropriate safety to its employees; thus, putting a positive impact on the growth and success of the organization.

(Hou & Al-Tabba, 2014) are the faculty members at the Department of Energy at the University of Cambridge. The authors state that the land is a critical element for the life support system as well as for the production of economic systems. The purpose of the study is to carry out an evaluation of sustainable remediation for the effective remediation of the project sites by developing and implementing various effective, norms and standards for practitioners. The study makes use of regression, t-test, and ANOVA for its quantitative design research. The findings of the study reveal that sustainability must be ensured for all the environmental remediation sites as it owes various effective implications towards regulation, liability owners, technology vendors, contractors, and consultants. The study carries much value for Sun Coast as the organization could make use of sustainable approach identified in the study for improving the productivity of their site along with providing effective health and safety care to its employees; thus, putting a positive impact on the organization.

(Ridsale & Noble, 2016) are the faculty members at the Department of Geography and Planning at the University of Saskatchewan, Canada. The main purpose of the study is to investigate the sustainability in the remediation frameworks for providing effective guidance regarding practical implementation. The study makes use of correlation, regression, and ANOVA method in its quantitative design research to meet the objectives. The findings of the study provide information that there are not perfect criteria for remediation sites as trade-offs are always present. Therefore, the organizations working on remediation sites must properly analyze the trade-offs of making the right selection. The findings of the study are effective for the Sun Coast as the organization could analyze and select the appropriate criteria for meeting its health and safety objectives towards its employees; thus, putting a positive impact on the organization.


Cappuyns, V. (2016). Inclusion of social indicators in decision support tools for the selection of sustainable site remediation options. Journal Of Environmental Management184, 45-56. doi: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2016.07.035

Damalas, C., & Eleftherohorinos, I. (2011). Pesticide Exposure, Safety Issues, and Risk Assessment Indicators. International Journal Of Environmental Research And Public Health8(5), 1402-1419. doi: 10.3390/ijerph8051402

Hou, D., & Al-Tabbaa, A. (2014). Sustainability: A new imperative in contaminated land remediation. Environmental Science & Policy39, 25-34. doi: 10.1016/j.envsci.2014.02.003

Ridsdale, D., & Noble, B. (2016). Assessing sustainable remediation frameworks using sustainability principles. Journal Of Environmental Management184, 36-44. doi: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2016.09.015

Song, Y., Hou, D., Zhang, J., O'Connor, D., Li, G., & Gu, Q. et al. (2018). Environmental and socio-economic sustainability appraisal of contaminated land remediation strategies: A case study at a mega-site in China. Science Of The Total Environment610-611, 391-401. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.08.016

Tang, Y., Deng, T., Wu, Q., Wang, S., Qiu, R., & Wei, Z. et al. (2012). Designing Cropping Systems for Metal-Contaminated Sites: A Review. Pedosphere22(4), 470-488. doi: 10.1016/s1002-0160(12)60032-0