Current Event Assignment 1 is due February 11, 2020. Please submit in .doc, .docx, or .pdf format. See attachments for assignment instructions and grading rubric. Also attached are two examples from p

GOVT 2306 Current Event Assignment 1 Due February 11, 2020

40 Points Written; 10 Points in-class discussion Turn in via eCampus

It is important to know and understand how class material connects to outside events. This assignment consists of accessing a news article pertaining to the Texas State Government. Choose an article from the list posted in BlackBoard or, if you want to choose your own article, it must be less than 4 months (120 days) old and from one of the following sources: 1) The Texas Tribune or 2) The New York Times

The purposes of this assignment are:

  1. to increase your ability to research current events in government,

  2. to increase your understanding of a particular area of government,

  3. to connect concepts you are learning in class material with real-world issues.

You are to include the following in your assignment:

1. Article title and source – 5 points

a. Using the MLA style of citation, where did you get the article?

b. For this assignment, you must include the url in your citation.

2. Summary - 5 points

Briefly and in your own words, summarize the content of the article.

3. Connection 1 - 15 points

Connect the article to a concept we have covered in class.

a. Define the concept that you state the article connects to.

b. Describe how the article illustrates the concept.

4. Connection 2 - 15 points

Connect the article to one or more concepts we have covered in class.

a. Define the concept that you state the article connects to.

b. Describe how the article illustrates the concept.

5. Reaction – 10 points awarded after in-class discussion

Take a position on the issue contained in the article.

a. What ideas, positions, or assumptions do you want to challenge?

b. What do you agree with and why?

Write your paper in paragraph form using good sentence structure with proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Write the paper in your own words. If you need to use a short quote, cite properly. The paper should be approximately two pages in length, double-spaced, one-inch margins, and 12-point font. Content is more important than length. It should be turned in via eCampus.

This is not a critique of whether the article is good or bad. This assignment is to make a connection to the classroom material and to explore the different sides of the issue.