Current Event Assignment 1 is due February 11, 2020. Please submit in .doc, .docx, or .pdf format. See attachments for assignment instructions and grading rubric. Also attached are two examples from p

Possible articles:

Most migrants cross at the Texas border - Here’s how the flow of people intersects with Trump’s policies. Texas Tribune -

Gov. Greg Abbott, a Catholic, draws criticism over new refugee ban from Texas' Catholic bishops. Texas Tribune -

Report: Texas ranks second in budget cuts for environmental protection. Texas Tribune -

Texas isn't providing major support for the 2020 Census - Local officials and nonprofits say they will instead. Texas Tribune -

Texas oil and gas industry could see a major slowdown in 2020. Texas Tribune -

Half of registered Texas voters turned out in 2018 - Just 12% turned out this year. Texas Tribune -

To relief of Texas business leaders, Congress reaches deal on new North American trade agreement Texas Tribune -