PSYC290N - Lifespan Development  Required Resources Read/review the following resources for this activity: Lesson (Attached below)Minimum of 2 outside scholarly sources Instructions For this Check-Up,

Physical Development in Middle Adulthood

Famed sociologist and social demographer, Lois Verbrugge said, "...midlife is a mix of new opportunities and expanding resources accompanied by incipient declines in physical abilities and some distinct losses" (Merrill & Verbrugge, 1999, p. 97).  As you can imagine, or may even personally experience, this can be frustrating. You have finally developed the self-awareness and confidence that you lacked in your 20s, but now your body may not allow you to participate in physical activities with the same vigor that you once did.

The physical decline isn't always due to natural causes. Sometimes poor lifestyle choices in early adulthood like substance abuse, poor diet choices, and a lack of sleep can all exacerbate physical decline in middle age. But don't worry! Life doesn't end in middle adulthood physically! Not at all!

Men and women report sexual activity to be just as fulfilling in their middle age as they did in their early adulthood. Although sexual activity isn't as frequent, that doesn't diminish its satisfying qualities.

Cognitive Development in Middle Adulthood

Many adults who fall into the age range of 40 to 65 can be heard lamenting, "I can't find my car keys!" or "I have no idea why I walked into this room." But is that a sign of cognitive decline due to age, or could it be that they are just overwhelmed? During middle adulthood, you could have a number of responsibilities including work, raising young children, and possibly caring for aging parents.

PSYC290N - Lifespan Development  Required Resources Read/review the following resources for this activity: Lesson (Attached below)Minimum of 2 outside scholarly sources Instructions For this Check-Up, 1

Research has shown that while things like working memory and processing speed begin to decline in middle adulthood, expertise shows up more in middle adulthood! That's right, what you have worked so hard for all of these years becomes evident to those around you and you become the trusted sage that everyone looks to for the answers in your field.

Additionally, leisure and religion/spirituality can all play a very important role in the identity of individuals in their middle age. After reading the assigned chapters for this week, ask yourself the following questions:

  1. If a person enters middle life and starts to experience cognitive declines, could this be a factor in having to change jobs?

  2. Not all people are not religious or spiritual, what are some ways they find meaning in their lives?

Socioemotional Development in Middle Adulthood

In Western culture, middle-aged adults are viewed as highly competent and capable of assuming important family and occupational roles. Consequently, in most families, the middle-aged cohort provides some degree of both material and emotional support for both younger and older family members. Moreover, most middle-aged adults feel much less constricted by social roles than in earlier periods, and for most, these roles shift considerably between the ages of 40 and 60.

Middle-aged adults are sandwiched between younger and older cohorts. They aid and provide advice both up and down the generational chain. Many middle-aged adults become grandparents, and some become the primary caregiver for their elderly parents. Many report feeling burdened and depressed by the experience.

While women reported higher levels of anxiety and depression in their early adulthood, when women reach their 50s, they are quoted as saying that their lives are now, "first-rate." They say that they have, "better health, higher income, and more concern for parents" (p. 498). They also report being more confident, having more security, and a more expanded personality - Wow! That seems a bit different than what we have seen previously, right?

PSYC290N - Lifespan Development  Required Resources Read/review the following resources for this activity: Lesson (Attached below)Minimum of 2 outside scholarly sources Instructions For this Check-Up, 2

Why do you think that women seem to "find themselves" in their 50s?

We also must consider the work-life of individuals in middle life. Job satisfaction peaks in middle age; however, work takes on a less important role in an adult's overall sense of well-being during these years. If they haven't already started, individuals need to prepare for retirement. This can be a stressful process, especially if workplace burnout is a problem. Fortunately, burnout seems to be less likely for middle-aged workers than their younger counterparts.

People with burnout lack energy and feel emotionally drained and are pessimistic about the possibility of changing their situations. People who feel their work is unappreciated are more subject to burnout than others. Middle-aged workers who have avoided burnout in high-stress professions are those who have learned to pace themselves and to rely less on external sources like job satisfaction


Merrill, S. S., & Verbrugge, L. M. (1999).  Health and disease in midlife. In S. L. Willis & J.D. Reid (Eds), Life in the middle. Psychological and social development in middle age (p. 77-103). San Diego, CA: Academic Press