Please answer the questions attached. Work involves Pseudocode and coding definitions.

Answer the following in essay format. 200 Words per Question.

Question 1:

A: What are the differences between an algorithm, pseudocode, and data flow diagram?

B: What parts of the computer can store user data?

C: When designing a program, is it necessary to develop a pseudocode and algorithm?

D: What are the four basic concepts of object-oriented programming?

E: What are some of the main advantages and disadvantages of object-oriented programming?

Question 2:

One of the most important concepts of programming is handling input and output. The following activity will allow you to get familiar with this concept specifically when using Python.

Write a function to add two values and display the results.

Discuss the steps in your thought process as you created the code, any issues you encountered, and how you solved those issues.

Question 3:

Discuss the following:

Differences, advantages, and disadvantages of Java® compared to another language of your choice (e.g., C++, Python, Ruby)

Database connectivity and file handling in Java® and in your other chosen language

Question 4:

Rails is a software library that extends the Ruby programming language. Rails is also a framework for building websites establishing conventions for easier collaboration and maintenance. It was created to help design dynamic websites with a database backend.

Discuss how Rails has helped Ruby developers build large scalable websites faster.

Question 5:

Research the following:

The definition of def

The purpose of “def someFunction(x,y):” within a program

Discuss the following questions:

What are the main benefits of functional programming?

Why do functions play a useful role in creating programs?

Provide examples of why you would use a function in a program and how a function might be applied within a program.

Provide an example to reinforce your arguments.