I have 2 attachments. The first attachment is the reading material. The second attachment is 10 questions that I would like you to answer (that pertain to the reading material). The questions need to


  1. Document # 1 comes from an Englishman’s point of view regarding British Imperialism, while document # 2 comes from the view of an Indian man under British Imperial rule. How are their opinions of British Imperialism different? Is there anything strange or ironic about their difference in opinions?

  2. Why do the British believe themselves to be better than the French and Italian imperialists?

  3. Do you think that the countries “quarreling” with Britain are out to support the best interests of the colonies that are being taken over? Explain

  4. Why does the English author believe that imperialism by Britain is so bad?

  5. What group of people or what term does the actions of the British imperialists remind you of?

  6. Construct a chart that compares the pros and cons of British Imperial rule in India.

  7. Document 2 was written by an Indian man under British rule. Does he feel that the benefits outweigh the risks of Imperialism in India? Do you agree with him?

  8. If you had to guess, what social class of Caste in India does the author of Document 2 belong to? Why do you make this assumption?

  9. Who do you think the author intended to read document #2 in the Indian society? Do you think his words come from his heart of an outside influence?

  10. What does the author mean by referring to British Imperial rule as a “knife of sugar”?