need help with finding and analysis part of a bus report on the topic Decision Making affects leadership in 21 century it should be of 1600 words and 8 to 9 references in apa style pls have look at

Topic description

Decision Making affects Leadership in the 21st century:

  • including the challenges

  • the best method of decision making ---- benefits

  • other information

Findings: This is detailed work that may be accompanied with charts, graphs, tables. Presents what the findings are according to the areas that you were asked to research and report on. Present each area of research findings as different sub-sections using bullet points 700 words

Analysis: This is where you complete the report with an analysis of the findings that explain what you found, the positives/negatives, and then your analysis of the results (why are the findings important to the key topic that you are reporting on), what impact do you believe the results will have on the organization, and what reasoned forecast do you offer of where the results of your research is projected to go and over what time 700 words.