For this assignment, you will design your very own psychology experiment or study. You will be creating a research proposal, modeled after actual research proposals, although yours will not need to be

Reaves Page 2 Updated July, 2018 PART 4: Results/Conclusion.

Write a summary paragraph about how you could and would utilize the results of your experiment.

How will you analyze your results?

 What results would either confirm or disprove your hypothesis?

Specifications for your paper:

Word-processed document. Microsoft Word documents, PDF documents, or other formats readable by Microsoft Word are acceptable formats.

 500 - 750 words (2 – 3 pages)  12 point-font  Double-spaced with margins of at least .75 inches and not longer than three pages.

 Heading Format – use this format for the heading of your paper [Your Name] PSYC 1113 – [Date] [Word Count] [Title] Grading Criteria This assignment is worth up to a total of 50 points. The following criteria will be used in grading your paper. A detailed scoring rubric is available in the online classroom. (1) Content – 80% of the grade. The content portion of the grade is based on how you answer the questions in the assignment section above.

(2) Format and mechanics – 20% of the grade. Your paper should be double-spaced using a 12-point Times New Roman font. The paper should not be less than 500 words or more than 750 words. Your writing should be grammatically correct. Watch for misspelled words and use correct punctuation. Any resources must be cited using APA formatting.

WARNING – Your paper MUST be in your own words . The online classroom drop-box has a built-in plagiarism detection software (TurnItIn.Com). If you copy from a website, a paper written by someone else, or another published source, the software will flag your work as copied.

Using someone else’s work without proper quotes is academic dishonesty. Turning in work that is copied from someone else will result in a 0 grade for the assignment. 005A00570068 0033 00350048 0032 0029 0046 00510048 00580053004F 0046 004A 00550048 0037 0003 00360037 001100030026 00530056 0053005500520046 0044 00560046 0033 0003003A 002C 00470048 0057 004B 0033 00030033005500520059004C 0048 0033 000300270048 0044 00450044 0078003A 0078 003A 0078 002B0052005A0003005A004C 0078 002B0052005A0003005A004C 0046 0078 002C 0078 003A 005A00570068 00360046 0026 0028 000B10000300530052004C005100570056000C0003 00240046 000B5000300530052004C005100570056000C0003 003800510044 000B 0037 00530056005C 0048 0057 004C 0037 00520049 00530056005C 004500580057 00480037 0057 005100520057 0048 004200420003005200490003 100003 002C 0057 002400030057 004C 004B005C 0044 0037 0048 004A 002C 002C 0048 0044 004200420003005200490003 100130003 00300048 005A004C 005A004C 004B0052005A00030057 0044 0044 0028 00470044 0044 00530044 004B0052005A00030057 00560048 005A004C 0045004C 00520055002700520048 00470044 0057 00450048 0057 0045004C 004200420003005200490003 100130003 0035 0046 002C 0046 0057 0055 0046 004B005C 0026 0046 004500580057 004B0052005A000300550048 00530055 004B005C 002C00510056005800490049004C0046004C0048005100570003 0003004200420003005200490003 100130003 002900520055 0050 00330044 0055 00530044 004A 0044 0047005200580045004F 0037 004A 0049 0033005200560056004C 0046 00460037 004A 0049 004C 004200420003005200490003 100130003