Read the following section on Critical Thinking in the Lumen website: the Quia Critical Thinking

Name: ___________________________________________

All answers should be explained in at least ONE paragraph (4-5 sentences). Please be sure to proofread, as scholarly writing is important. Review the grading rubric to ensure all requirements are met.

Module 2 SLP: Critical Thinking Strategies and Forms of Higher-Level Thinking

    1. Based on your quiz results, do you feel you use good critical-thinking strategies? Yes, explain using examples why you feel this way. No, how might you improve as a critical thinker?

    1. Choose three forms of higher level thinking from Chapter 4 (pg. 57) that you can employ to use daily. Each form should include 4 or 5 sentences discussing how you can implement it as you progress through your program at Trident. Utilize information from the chapter as well to support your opinion.