Hi I need help with a Case

Read the case and research about each of these topics . How could the Buyer of fertilizers (Moises Postigo ) have used the following topics in his negotiation to make a better deal with the other party. 1. Stoicism 2. Importance of the handshakes 3. Negotiation jujitsu 4. Emotional Intelligence 5. Avoiding walking away from the table effect 6. Self affirmation 7. Negotiating through a Mediato r 8. Capitalize on network connection 9. Lobbying 10. Other factors that helps such type of negotiations (1 more) No introduction or conclusion needed. The only important factor is plagiarism must be 0 % 1600 Min umum -17 50 words Max imum (can be divided by 1 0 so 160 -170 words for each) 8 References Mi nimum please