Create a Business Plan for Vegan Multi-cuisine take away outlet You want to start a vegan take away outlet with multicuisine. The demand is created by the trend in Vancouver about being healthy, eatin

Create a Business Plan for Vegan Multi-cuisine take away outlet

You want to start a vegan take away outlet with multicuisine. The demand is created by the trend in Vancouver about being healthy, eating vegan/veg food, organic food.

Vision statement- To provide the best Vegan multi- cuisine dishes for the customers.

Mission- our service is passionate about delivering delicious organic, vegan and vegetarian dishes crafted with fresh ingredients.


  • Write the description of company and the industry:

  1. Provide the history and current situation of your company

  2. List the goals and objectives for the business

  3. Describe the principal characteristics and trends in the history

  4. Swot Analysis, Porter five forces analysis and PESTLE Analysis

  • Overview of product/service

  1. Give a detailed description of your product or service

  2. Outline the stages of development and proprietary position

  3. Names of possible customers and suppliers