Good day, I have a research I need help doing for my Principles of Evaluation and Research for Health Care Programs class. It is due on Tuesday by 6pm so I have time to read over before submission. O

APA Format

  1. Research Question (5 pts)

Develop a research question (PICO optional). This should only be one concise sentence. No typos, no grammar issues. No grammatical errors allowed.

  1. Research Goals and Objectives (20pts) (3 paragraphs, 4 sentences per paragraph)

What are the expected results of the research program? The goals should specify the problem and identify target populations. Then describe the objectives, there should be more than one, to describe the results to be achieved, use “SMART” objectives. This should be approximately one page.

S - Specific your goal is direct, detailed, and meaningful.

M – Measurable – your goal is quantifiable to track progress or success.

A – Attainable – your goal is realistic and you have the tools and/or resources to attain it.

R – Relevant – your goals aligns with your company mission.

T – Time-based – Your goal has a deadline.

  1. Literature Review (35pts)- (7 paragraphs 4 sentences per paragraph)

State in more detail the problem or issue you have identified from your research question and include data sources that support your claim (e.g., lack of physical activity in your community and data on physical activity rates from Healthy People 2020). This section should be 2-3 pages. There should be a minimum of five peer-reviewed citations. Websites are not acceptable. The formatting of this section is as follows:

  1. Introduction. Open by providing detailed background of the issue (providing more detail from above, and getting more specific as to your area of inquiry) in 1-3 paragraphs.

  2. Body. Provide at least one paragraph per source (citation) of detailed analysis of the current research on your topic. This is how you tell the reader what is known on this topic as well as what is not known – this is where your research comes in.

**What explains lower rates of mammography ? This study finds ******however they didn’t do this******.

Three acceptable way of quoting:

In a study by Smith and Jones, (2020).

Facts are quoted like this: (Smith & Jones, 2020)

Quote “……………………..” (Smith & Jones 2020; p.17)

Facts get referenced in your paper. Reference goes to the end of the sentences.

  1. Conclusion. Explain the gaps in previously conducted research and how your research will address at least one gap (such as population, setting, intervention/exposure type). For example one study finds this ………… another study finds this……………

  1. Logic Model (30pts) (Visual Version of the paper)

Build a logic model indicating the inputs, research activities, and anticipated outputs as indicated in the template shared in class. This section may take 1-2 pages.

Bullets not full sentences

Contents for Logic Model:

    1. Problem statement
    2. Goal statement – Ground it with facts, previous rate, why you pick the topic and why should someone else care. (CDC website etc. is good for here)

Objectives – start with group affected. Primary resources can be used (.org websites)

Good day, I have a research I need help doing for my Principles of Evaluation and Research  for Health Care Programs class. It is due on Tuesday by 6pm so I have time to read over before submission. O 1

Good day, I have a research I need help doing for my Principles of Evaluation and Research  for Health Care Programs class. It is due on Tuesday by 6pm so I have time to read over before submission. O 2

  • Build a logic model indicating the inputs, activities, outputs, short & long term outcomes, and impact as indicated in the template shared in class. This section may take 1-2 pages.

  • 1 Research Question

  • 2 – 3 Goal Statements with the same number or more Objectives

    • Objectives must be measurable

  • Inputs and Resources

  • Outcomes

Use heading for example,: Goals and objectives as header

Literature Review - Past Tense, Active present – what you want to see done in the future.

The paper is measuring association, “People diagnosed with breast cancer”

  1. References (10pts)

APA format

Spelling, grammar, comprehensibility count!

No transition sentences

Use heading for example Goals and objectives

Literature Review - Past Tense, Active present – what you want to see done in the future.