Hello, i need help is writing my roman society article assignment which is due on March 28th 2020. I have attached the files that includes the guidelines on how to write the assignment and what should

3) Case Study Essay

Due date =March 30th by 4pm = 30% of final grade.


This essay assignment is designed to engage you in the complex

practice of interpreting multiple pieces of ancient evidence in order to gain an impression of the nature of a social demographic or relationship.

You should choose ONE of three case studies

listed below to work on:

1.Child mortality: did parents care when their children died?

2.Women in Roman society:

respected or despised, powerful or


3.Roman imperialism: was inclusion in the Roman empire

desirable or undesirable?

For each case study,

evidence will be provided on NEXUS

(in the

“Case Study” folder)

which students must use to consider the theme of

the case study as listed above


The evidence selected will not unanimously point to one obvious

conclusion–therefore you must consider how you are going to weigh

the evidence in order to resolve apparent contradictions. You

must consider factors such as the source of each piece of evidence,

its intended audience and purpose, its date, and any other characteristic considered relevant.

These considerations should prompt you to ask yourselves

in reference to each piece, e.g., can an author be assumed to speak for “everyone” in society, and why or why not? Does the evidence reflect personal opinion or social conventions? Was it meant to “persuade” others of some opinion? If so, whom was it meant to persuade and why? Can contradictions be explained as changes over time

Research Guidance:

Note that contemplation of how to regard different pieces of evidence will require research beyond your textbook.

The Oxford Classical Dictionary

(available in the library) is a reliable

source of information about different authors.

ALL pieces of evidence from the Nexus folder for your chosen case study MUST figure in the discussion. You must also include a minimum of THREE secondary sources.

Keep in mind that this is not a paper about what modern scholars have to say about, e.g., the social position of Roman women: it is instead an assignment aimed at encouraging students to develop skills in the interpretation of ancient sources and awareness of the factors that must influence interpretation.

Formatting: Your discussion of the theme of the chosen case study

should be 4 -5 pages, double spaced, 12 point font, and ideally printed double sided (to save the trees)

The assignment should be written in essay form