Instructions: In your discussion posting address the following: What does Diversity mean to you?What is your Cultural Background?What misconceptions people have about you?How do you embrace Diversity?

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Diversity is something that makes everyone different, whether it’s gender, ethnicity, religion, or age. Diversity is what makes us all unique and it allows us to be different from one another. I am Caucasian and recently I took a DNA test and I found out that I am mainly European, specifically my ancestors are from Wales. Diversity is also found when it comes to personalities. Some people are very active while other people are shy, either way, we are all different and we all act differently. A misconception people make about me is that some people don’t think I’m friendly. I am a very shy person and I like to keep to myself, however, other people might think i’m just rude. I embrace diversity by treating everyone the same. Just because you have a different skin color or religion that doesn’t mean you aren't a human being. No matter what we look like or how we act we are all still humans and that is all that matters. 

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Diversity means that everyone is unique, and it makes people realize that everyone may be different. The concept of diversity also includes acceptance and respect which include mutual understanding and embracing the diversity contained in everyone. Maybe when people see me, they may think that I was very introverted and sometimes very shy. This is because every time I come to a new environment that I am not familiar with, I feel that it takes a long time to get familiar with and adapt to everything around me, but the actual I am actually a more outgoing person who likes to talk to others, but sometimes I may not feel confident enough about myself. For example, sometimes I worry if my spoken English is not good enough that others may not understand what I have said, so I am willing to learn about diversity because one person may show different personalities at different times, not to mention that the personalities of others may be much different from yours. Learning and understanding diversity is a very good thing. It will enrich your horizons and you may learn more that you don't know