we choose the product as DRYE INFUSED GARMET HNAGER

ELE4D FM Workshop Assignment 1 Semester 2 201 9 Screening Table Round 1 Screening Table Round 2 Write Mission Statement Write Charter No Assessment item No Assessment item Score Product Group member #1 - Idea/opportunity 1 - Idea/opportunity 2 - Idea/opportunity 3 Group member # 2 - Idea/opportunity 1 - Idea/opportunity 2 - Idea/opportunity 3 Group member # 3 - Idea/opportunity 1 - Idea/opportunity 2 - Idea/opportunity 3 Group member # n - Idea/opportunity 1 - Idea/opportunity 2 - Idea/opportunity 3 Idea 1 Idea 2 Idea 3 Final Idea ELE4D FM Workshop Assignment 1 Semester 2 201 9 Individual Report Introduction - Describe the product. Although the product will be the same, you should each have your own description.

Charter - Include the charter statement, which will be common for all group members . Include boundary conditions that may be applicable for your product.

Opportunities/Ideas - From the result of the first round, each member should individually describe the three resulting ideas either via text, a sketch or both. Each Idea/Opportunity should have a title.

Customer Needs - Each member will individually identify customer needs that your opportunities/ideas address. Done for all three ideas.

Specifications - Each member comes up with specifications for each of the customer needs. Done for all three ideas.

Final Idea - This is result of screening the three ideas obtained after shortlisting through the second - round table .

Mission Statement - This is common for the group members – follow the outline on the slides provided.